Fancy a pint?



  • IanIan
    edited 7:36PM
    @tosscat. Presumably such people are flat earthers?
  • CatCat
    edited 7:36PM
    We went to the N19 for a couple early this evening and will definitely be back. They had 4 real ales on, which we were impressed with but they apparently normally have between 5 & 9.

    We were served by Remi (sp?) who was very hospitable.
  • jj
    edited 7:36PM
    I believe in giving credit where it's due, so would just like to mention I tried the North Nineteen pub for the first time this evening, and enjoyed a couple of clearly well-kept ales. The barman (proprietor?) was friendly and genuine - so all in all a good combination.

    PS. I don't work there, I have no connection with the pub whatsoever, I just like drinking beer. And I'm not an estate agent either.
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