Sainsbury's is coming to Stroud Green Road - Woody's is going!



  • edited 5:14AM
    I'd rather raise a petition imploring Sainsbury's to not employ Woody staff. Horrible thought, new supermarket filled with Tesco and Woody rejects!
  • edited 5:14AM
    I have to say I'm slightly disappointed.
    I have never received anything but totally friendly service (even at 4am in the morning) -you can't say that's not dedication!
    Well, I wish them all luck anyway!
  • edited 5:14AM
    @ clusters - backstory: andy had a bit of an issue with a packet of salad from woody's once. think he got short shrift when he tried to complain.
  • edited 5:14AM
    But we loose all night drinking!
  • edited 5:14AM
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  • edited 5:14AM
    if only my life was boring enough to pre plan when i want to drink, but the thing is, iv seen and bought a variety of vegetables and foods that you cant find in somewhere like tesco or sainsburys and it was fresh produce. I mean obviously sainsburys are going to cater for us in that sense right? Without putting a ridiculous mark up on price? Oh but wait we can all feel sooooooooo much better because itll be organic. Go kill yourself sainsburys.
  • edited March 2010
    @ Jacksoff
    'if only my life was boring enough to pre plan when i want to drink'

    Your life (and mine in fact) is boring enough to post on this website.

    OOOh where ooh where will I get my White lightening from at 3am?
    How can I fight the machine now? Where will I buy novelty vegtables to amuse my loser friends?

    Damn you big business, Damn you to hell
  • edited 5:14AM
    Hahaha! Well said JFJ.
  • edited 5:14AM
    I know I've already mentioned that there are two 24 hour booze shops on Seven Sisters Road, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Either that or people can't face the extra walk, but in that case they've probably had enough anyway. At the optimum level of drunk, going on a QUEST for more is all part of the fun.
  • edited 5:14AM
    Surely everyone has a few random half bottles of Baileys, Tequila, Sherry and suchlike lurking at the back of the cupboard for when the off licence is closed but you want a little snifter?
  • edited 5:14AM
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  • edited 5:14AM
    white lightning......youre sick. haaaaa. working 50-55 hrs a week at some odd times of the day isnt the best part of my job, but its a job....and i obviously need the money to buy novelty veg to show my loser friends. Listen 'funny guy' i dont have friends thats why im posting this stuff, and even if i did have vegetables where can i find you to show you them? Damn you sarcastic humour. grrrr
  • edited 5:14AM

    'it's filthy and expensive and the people who own it and work there are lazy, miserable and rude'

    'It's filthy' - please justify this slur.

    'and expensive' - have you actually done a proper price comparison? And with whom?

    'the people who own it' - do you know them then?

    'and work there are lazy, miserable and rude' - really? Please once again justify.
  • edited 5:14AM
    Funny time to jump on a high horse, KRS, but there you go. My experiences at Woodys have been pretty close to misscara's. I can recount instances of rude and lazy behaviour and don't know any shop in London that gets change wrong more often - and never in my favour. Cock-up or conspiracy, I don't think they are very good at running a supermarket. And there was the snail thing, but that was years ago.
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:14AM
    You did take a good photo of it, though - have you still got it somewhere?
  • edited 5:14AM
    As most people know, I like most places in Stroud Green but I'm not a big fan of Woody's, i must admit. They just don't seem to have much of a sense of humour. Maybe that's a bit harsh and I didn't make any funny jokes. My other half likes them, he thinks they sell good lamb.
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:14AM
    (The photo, that is, not the snail.)
  • edited 5:14AM
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  • edited 5:14AM
    It's the only shop that I have to check the till display as the items are being scanned. Shocking pricing irregularities. And it's only recently that I've been offered a receipt on check out.
  • edited 5:14AM
    Well said Misscara.

    It is a rank establishment and it's good that it is going, as it has few redeeming features.

    If I want to be treated badly when trying to aquire food when pissed I'll stick to waking my girlfriend up.
  • edited 5:14AM
    As much as I would always rather support the independent retailer over someone such as Sainsburys, I will not mourn the passing of Woody's.

    The place is dirty, their wine selection is shocking and importantly, most of the staff there have little or no concept of customer service.
  • edited 5:14AM
    OK guys, you have me bang to rights.
  • edited 5:14AM
    awww - we'll miss the sheep. i really liked the way they were positioned so after your kids had a closer look and the guy behind the counter said 'baa' , they only had to look up to be confronted by the real, skinned sheep heads for sale.
  • edited 5:14AM
    what was it with their juice selection? They have like 13,000 lines in stock but none of them were decent, or chilled for that matter.
  • edited 5:14AM
    I laughed out loud at your final sentence, JungleFaceJake :)
  • edited 5:14AM
    N4Matt wrote: <i>their wine selection is shocking</I>

    Err ... why would N4Matt even think about buying wine from a 24-hour supermarket? If she/he is after wine from such a place, probably because no where else is open (in the middle of the night, perhaps?) seems to me her/his comment is a bit rich.

    <B><ALIGN="center"> <FONT SIZE="+2" FONT COLOR ="red">Give them a break!</FONT></B></align>

    In any case, with Jack's just over the road something palatable can usually be found on SGR ...
  • edited 5:14AM
    Lots of red based tellings off today, ucypanp. Keep up the good work.
  • edited 5:14AM
    Sorry to cause such offense.

    Just because it's a 24 hour store does not mean that you have to buy from there when all other stores are shut but thanks for assuming that I am some kind of desparate dipso who *needs* wine at 4am.

    As they are in the supermarket business, I mistakenly thought that they might be able to supply me with a variety of products that I could pick up while on my way home from work.

    Actually their wine selection is shocking and as such if I have needed to get groceries and a bottle of wine then I am most likely to go elsewhere.

    Still, it's all gonna be recent history in no time and while I'm no fan of Sainsbury's I am sure that they will turn that site into a more profitable and probably more customer friendly store.
  • edited 5:14AM
    Yes, but the question is, will they have raspberry flavoured golden syrup?
  • edited 5:14AM
    Woody's is just a corner shop on steriods. Although I think the fruit and veg is great (compared to the Tesco mush), the rest of it, not bothered, bring on Sainsbury's.
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