General Election: Islington North - PPCs

edited April 2010 in Local discussion
Here are the PPCs for Islington North. Jeremy C is incumbent. - Jeremy Corbyn (Lab): <>; - Rhodri Jamieson-Ball (LD): <>; - Adrian Berrill-Cox (Conservative): <>; - Emma Dixon: <>; - Dominic Lennon (UKIP): <>; 2005 Results from [wikipedia]( - Labour: Jeremy Corbyn, 16,118 votes (51.2%), -10.7% - Liberal Democrat: Laura Willoughby 9,402 votes (29.9%) +10.9% - Conservative: Nicola Talbot 3,740 votes (11.9%) +1.1% - Green: Jon Nott 2,234 votes (7.1%) +0.9%


  • edited 2:31PM
    <a href="">Register here</a> if you are not already signed up.

    Also useful for postal & proxy votes.
  • edited 2:31PM
    In Islington North, I can only find Jeremy Corbyn on Twitter: <>; I've made a list on Twitter of the PPCs for both constituencies: <>;
  • RegReg
    edited 2:31PM
    Thanks for this Andy, really helpful. Am surprised that the Lib Dems have gone for such an apparent lightweight. Confidence or resignation? His main reference to law and order seems to be that he was mugged once. Odd. Can anyone offer any insight?
  • edited 2:31PM
    Don't know. It does look like the Islington Lib Dems are spending all their money on Islington South and letting Islington North go hang. He doesn't look like a candidate who's going to unseat anyone. It's the Corbyn paradox. If you want to vote Labour, you vote Labour. If you're an anti-labour protest vote, vote for Jeremy Corbyn, Labour's most rebellious MP. The Tory candidate looks like he's got an interesting story, but is being made to fight this one before he's allowed a proper crack at a winnable seat.
  • edited 2:31PM
    It's a pity because I really liked the look of last time's Lib Dem candidate, someone Willoughby iirc.

    Corbyn, much as I loathe both the Red and the Blue Tories, it disgusts me even more to have an MP who <a href="">filled in for George Galloway to host a show on Ahmadinejad's Holocaust-denying propaganda station</a>.
  • RegReg
    edited 2:31PM
    Andy, had the same thought about the Conservative. I agree, he seems to be an interesting character but appears to have very little local connection or interest. Definitely dropped in by the party on the promise of a more winnable seat next time. Disappointing. Corbyn is a paradox and does make life difficult. I would have thought a strong lib dem might have unseated him though. If only we had Blears to play with...
  • edited 2:31PM
    Is it just me or does the Conservative fella's website not say 57 days 'till the election? Me thinks he's going to get a rude awakening in 29 days!
  • edited April 2010
    It does. Who says that party's stuck in the past, eh?

    I also liked "I am not a career politician. I have spent the last 22 years as a lawyer at the Bank of England and FSA working to protect investors and keep our financial system clean and efficient." Yeah, thanks for that, mate. Imagine what might have happened without you keeping your eye on the bankers!
  • edited 2:31PM
    Just checked the odds on Betfair for this seat. - Labour 1.26 (1/4) - Liberal Democrat 3.9 (3/1) - Conservative 40 (39/1) - Any Other 40 (39/1) These are decimal odds, so Labour is 1/4 on. This is free money. The idea that the Lib Dems are worth 3/1 is amazing. I don't know where you get the idea that there is a 20% chance that Corbyn won't win this seat.
  • edited 2:31PM
    And yes, anyone who says their CV claim-to-fame is bank supervision.....
  • edited 2:31PM
    Here's more constituency analysis: <>; Apparently, a vote in Islington North is worth 0.117 normal votes. Some interesting stats in there.
  • edited 2:31PM
    The polling seems to be working quite well for Stroud Green ward, so I've made one for the other side of Stroud Green Road: Take our opinion poll on Tollington Ward here: <>;
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