What would you like to see on SGR?



  • edited 5:16AM
    It’s not bad as 1940s architecture goes, but it appears to have been built cheaply and it’s looking pretty shabby. It also does not fit into the area. In low-rise areas like Stroud Green consistency is just as if not more important than the quality of the individual building. I’m not necessarily advocating ‘fake Victoriana’, I’m just advocating that any façade should be in keeping with the surrounding heritage in terms of scale and materials. It need not be a slavish imitation. But neo-classical buildings can be done well – the Stapleton Hall development is good evidence of that in my opinion. Areas with no decent heritage buildings as neighbours are where we should be bold and experimental with modernist designs – like the City North development. I quite agree about the brutal monster. Hanley Road has been much abused. A master plan should prohibit that kind of design and insist on sympathetic facades. There are plenty of places where this happens, and now that much of SG is a conservation area it should be rather easier to enforce here.
  • edited 5:16AM
    @JFJ - I like the tone of your apathetic reponse: give up now! You're a real touchstone for positivism.
  • edited April 2010
    You are a really confused little boy, aren't you.

    Your tiny minded, misjudged and ill informed letter bomb statement deserves ridicule.

    A lack of understanding your surroundings, and the greater scale and intricacies of capitalism undermine you.

    But at least you're trying I suppose, however blind you are.
  • edited 5:16AM
    I'd love to see an 'Ignore This User' button.
  • edited 5:16AM
    I'd like to see an 'I challenge you to a duel' button.
  • edited 5:16AM
    I'd like to see a "JFJ is spot on" button.
  • edited 5:16AM
    @jfj gosh, how did you lose your track and end up on this website? With your profound knowledge you should be at the IMF or something. With your deep understanding of "the greater scale and intricacies of capitalism" your calling should surely be of a higher nature. I bow to your intelligence. p.s. i wasn't really going to send a letter bomb in the hypothetical scenario of primark setting up on SGR.
  • edited 5:16AM
    @tallboy, you could press that now!
  • edited April 2010
    I don't have a profound knowledge of anything really.
    Although I do have a profound hatred of idiots who have little to back up their ill-informed and often hypocritical statements.

    Lets get this back into perspective, you stated
    'if they put in a primark it would be just the motivation I need to deliver a letter bomb on behalf of all the kids they use to make their clothes'

    Dislike of manufacturing processes and policies is a worthy bug to bear, but it is ill conceived to just presume that Primark are bad because they may use child labour, and then shun any suggestion that may instigate debate about the wider scale of capitalist measures.

    You could write to the CEO of Primark to challenge their policy, or contact trading standards and petition for further investigation.

    Or you could read up a bit about the grander scale of things and maybe formulate an opinion that might separate you from the usual middle class, hypocritical, ever so ethically ethical crap trap that you seem to have fallen into.

    I ended up on this website because I live locally, and I'm interested in local issues.

    I also like to laugh at the hypocrisy that infests a lot of the posts, and enjoy pointing this out and using occasional foul language to do so.

    I still love N4 and by proxy that means you too, even if you are a bit of a misguided tit


    You mave have changed your mind if you get this far, but cheers
  • edited 5:16AM
    I've never been in a Primark. Is it nice?
  • edited 5:16AM
    No, it is horrid. But very cheap because everything is made out of synthetic fibres by one legged blind Chinese children with no hands . Although that's not why I don't like it.
  • edited 5:16AM
    How would the one legged blind Chinese children with no hands afford to buy food if they weren't making Primark clothes?
  • edited April 2010
    They Feed them liquidised, intensively farmed chicken intravenously in one arm to feed them and red bull in the other so they don't sleep.
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