Friends of Parkland Walk: AGM

edited April 2010 in Local discussion
Got emailed this: Notice of Annual General Meeting Meeting at 7.00 for 7.30pm on Wednesday, 28th April 2010 Hornsey Library, Haringey Park N8 The AGM will start at 7.30 pm, but come before then (from 7.00 pm) and have a drink and some nibbles and meet other members. Most, but not all, of the present Committee are willing to continue. Are you, or anyone you know, willing to assist us, even in a small way? Fresh ideas are always of value. Please send any nominations to the Secretary at least 48 hours before the AGM. We can co-opt on the night or through the year. At the AGM the Committee will recommend keeping subscriptions as they are; that is a £1 joining fee, but as yet we do not see the need for a further annual sub. So if you paid once, you will still continue to be a ‘paid up’ member. At the end of the bureaucratic part (we try to keep that part short), there will be workshop session with Ian Holt, the London Borough of Haringey Conservation Officer, to work with us on the emerging Management Plan for the Walk. This will be followed by a discussion, so this is your opportunity to contribute ideas about the future of the Walk. The Plan includes consideration of amenity issues such as the path surface and how to manage cycling, and how to develop a strategy on graffiti and anti-social behaviour, making the Walk feel safe and making it a ‘good neighbour’, as well as the questions of improving and conserving the ecology and wildlife. It will be both interesting and important! …. and more drinks at the end. The Walk has seen many changes recently - is this enough? Should we be seeking more changes? Problems of finance and priority are on the horizon. What should happen next? As well as the Management Plan, there are also new versions of the planning policy for the country, London and Haringey coming out. There are a lot of strategies on green issues being consulted upon. It is timely to influence these as a stakeholder group where we can. During the year we send updates and information messages of all sorts by email, so if you have a new email address, please tell us so we can use the latest and best for keeping you informed. C J Mason Secretary


  • edited 4:59PM
    Do you think that they would look favourably on my request for them to turn it back into a railway? A
  • edited 4:59PM
    Can't say I've ever felt unsafe on the Walk tbh. No more than I'd feel unsafe walking through Finsbury Park in the dark.

    The graffiti adds a bit of urban colour, though they should really take away their paint pots.
  • edited 4:59PM
    Seconded: I like the art but the litter makes them a lot harder to defend.
  • edited 4:59PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 4:59PM
    @ Misscara. Perhaps that's no co-incidence?
  • edited 4:59PM
    I saw the feds there as well, on Monday when I was running.

    But also saw the graff artist boys further up, who didn't seem to be that bothered, so maybe tolerance is rife on the walk. Hopefully so.

    Running through the tunnel when they are spraying reminds me of being a teenager, which is kind of good, i think.

    Some of the stuff in the tunnel and other alcoves is pretty good, and I've not really noticed much crap tagging along the walk.
  • edited 4:59PM
    With you on that one JFJ. Seeing the graffiti kids actually makes me feel safer when I'm running up there, those bridges would look wrong without graffiti on them now.
  • edited 4:59PM
    I haven't been up there for years however I'd like to start taking the kids up there. We used to have so much fun just walking and making up adventure games along the way ( I was a child myself then ) but as I havent been up there recently I was wanting to know what is like now and when is the best time to avoid the "undesirables".
    We stopped taking the short cut on florence road to finsbury park because there were some kids at the top throwing stones and whatever esle they could find down at us so we couldn't even reach the stairs.
  • edited 4:59PM
    Walked back from Highgate to Blythman Road tonight in the dark. On my own. No torch. Scary.
  • edited 4:59PM
    There's not much point in turning it back into a railway. The route doesn't hit any urban centres except Finsbury Park and Highgate and the Muswell Hill part can't be restored because it's been built on. What we need is a nice tube line extension with stops at Crouch Hill, Crouch End Broadway and Muswell Hill. Or send Crossrail 2 up this way.
  • edited 4:59PM
    I bet the good folk of Crouch End and Muswell Hill would get a petition up at the thought of a tube line going their way - a friend of mine who lives up the 'End believes that making it hard to get to keeps the riff raff out.
  • edited 4:59PM
    It's a delusional way coming to terms with having shit transport links. Does the tube in Hampstead bring in riff-raff? Or in Knightsbridge?
  • edited 4:59PM
    I tend to agree, I like living near a tube station. The McDonalds in Hampstead lures in many urchins and Harrods attracts all manner of riff raff to Knightsbridge. Wouldn't blame it on the underground.
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