Tollington Ward: Candidate Interviews, Conservative Party

edited May 2010 in Local discussion
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We met Alex Gregg, one of the Conservative candidates for Tollington ward on a sunny day last week in Finsbury Park. We couldn't find a time to get all three Conservative candidates together, so the interview is a solo effort.

As ever, we asked Alex to introduce himself, talk about his priorities and what he would do if he were elected.

Here's the running order:
- Introductions (0.00)
- Reasons for standing (0.21)
- Priorities for Islington (2.13)
- Favourite things about the area (3.48)
- Final Thoughts (4.42)
- How to get in touch (5.52)


  • edited 4:46PM
    Why is someone living in Upper Street running as a Cllr in Tollington Ward?
  • edited 4:46PM
    Hi Adamski, fair question. I live a few minutes off Upper Street, in my own ward there were already three candidates, but I was given the opportunity to run in Tollington.

    It's not that unusual to have people from outside a ward stand in that ward, but I've lived in Islington for 7 years and I know the area, I'm often around the Hornsey Road and Stroud Green, travelling to see friends or shopping.

    Hope that answers your question.
  • RegReg
    edited 4:46PM
    Andy, thanks for the videos. I have watched them and feel more informed about my local candidates for councillors than I ever have. I think its a real shame that only Alex Gregg was available to address the electorate from the Conservatives. I can only assume the other two don't really want election. I think the Greens were hilarious, especially Stephen Horne. Totally defeatest, its a wonder he gets out of bed. I thought Carina (the one on the right?) was good although I cannot stand the thought of every road in the borough being covered in speed bumps. It is one of the worst things about this area and I wish someone (sitting councillors?)had done a better job of standing up to this expensive over reaction. Fair play to her though, she lives and breathes what she says. For Labour, Watts came across well but their new colleague on the right wound me up a treat. You are the local, you are the candidate, you tell us where you think all this affordable housing should go in Tollington ward! Apart from giving away the schools and churches you are talking crap. And in my opinion any ward that delivers three labour candidates and is part of an area delivering a massive labour majority since 83 probably needs more market housing than affordable housing anyway. One thing I would say is that the bar has been set super low. No real aspiration from anyone. Roads are a mess, schools are the worst in London, too much traffic engineering, FP tube station is a disgrace, Hornsey Road needs some co-ordinated action to bring the shops back to life (not necessarily as shops). Wheres the ambition, people? Still, if we get three votes, I think Gregg and Watts will get one each (Watts having door-stopped me twice so I know he wants it) and the third I don't know yet. Anyone want to make a case??
  • edited May 2010
    Hi Reg, thanks for the support, it's great to hear. Sorry you didn't hear much ambition, it's my first time being interviewed in this way. I do really hope I get a chance to help improve Islington though, I know that city living can be better!

    As a motorcyclist, I'm well aware of the state of the roads, some side streets feel like off road tracks. I want to know that roadworks will be better planned and will leave the road in good condition. This is something the Mayor has also started work on. (<a href=""></a>;)
    I'm also a fan of the traffic calming measures they use in Crouch End, such as alerting people to their speed, rather than using speed bumps.

    What I really hope to achieve is reconnecting people with the council, and the council taking a lead in making everyone aware of what's possible when the community gets involved, such as improving shops and tube stations. Next time I'm interviewed I'll say much more detail.

    Thanks again,
  • edited 4:46PM
    The BIG society!

    I thought Thatcher said there was no such thing as society?

    Which is it? I'm confused. You can't have a big thing which doesn't exist. Except God.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Alex gets my vote.

    Get rid of speed bumps...and labour.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Yes, let's all drive faster in residential areas. And vote Tory whose policy on transport is not to spend any money on it.
  • edited 4:46PM
    I like Alan Johnson's quote: “There's a real sense with the Conservatives that in this 'big society' we just all walk around holding hands and walk into the sea singing Hare Krishna, and that's the way to tackle these problems, versus what the police want.”
  • edited 4:46PM
    I wouldn't mind it if we abolished speed limits on motorways, like the Germans. I blew the engine on my Fiat Punto doing 100mph on the M11.
  • edited 4:46PM
    That is just meaningless waffle.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Hi Slabber, I'm guessing you're not voting Conservative this year. I also get the feeling you're attacking national Conservative policy, rather than anything I've said personally about my priorities.

    Fyi, what Thatcher said was "They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families."

    She was talking about how some people thought that 'society' had a bottomless pit of money, whereas it actually comes from people who pay taxes, men, women, and families. She's probably spent the last 23 years regretting describing it that way though.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Hi Sotwell, thank you for your support, much appreciated.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Arkady, that is quite a funny quote, I don't think it's what the Conservatives meant, but it is funny. Alan J does come across as a decent guy.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Yes, Alex. I didn't vote conservative.
  • edited 4:46PM
    Alex, how come you're online and not at the count??
  • edited 4:46PM
    iPhone maybe?
  • edited 4:46PM
    Two reasons, important day at work tomorrow, second the count for council seats doesn't start until 12:00 tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow!
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