Face Count Election Special

edited May 2010 in Local discussion
You can tell its election time can't you? Same leaflet through your door three times in one week. Handwritten letters, door to door hassling. Now when it comes to Lynne's face count - an undeniably important, possibly pivotal political statistic in these parts - I'm usually dealing with ratios of 1.5 - 2, occasionally say a 3. It's never been over 4. So you can only imagine my gasp of excitement when a 3 page ditty hit the doormat with a count of 5.33. Yes folks. 3 pages. 16 faces. Attached below its a modern marvel: ![facecount](/img/election-facecount-special.jpg)


  • edited 2:34AM
    The Lib Dem leaflets over in Islington come in two slightly different variants; one of us got a single fold-out, the other two had envelopes with three pieces of bumph. The envelope version had PLEASE RETURN TO: LOCAL FREEPOST ADDRESS HERE, so the leaflet was ahead on that, but both were all about defending the Whittington so, y'know, timely.
    Still, at least they were for the right constituency - we had a Labour local leaflet for over the road. Well-targeted resources there, chaps.
  • edited 2:34AM
    Who designs these things? As a former graphic designer, you'd think Lynne would insist on some less fugly ones.
  • Who needs Razzle when you've got a free Lynne Featherstone leaflet. I wish Gordon Brown would do a centre-fold. I'd like that. I reckon if we get a hung parliament, the leaders should drop their trousers and let us see who has the biggest "swing". I reckon Gordy would win by a good yard.
  • edited 2:34AM
    And she wants to get rid of page 3 which is not what the public want ( well not so far as the sun readers are concerned)

    I thought my picture was ok but even I balk at putting it everywhere.

    Sorry to those in Stroud Green who didnt get any kind of leaflet through their door I simply ran out of time and even missed the Royal Mail deadline ( they have one hell of a process to go through) You need to have the leaflet ready before you get the £500 quid across or you are stumped I know this if I try this again...
  • edited 2:34AM
    @Dr RK This whole election lark is not as easy as it looks, is it?
  • She wants to get rid of Page 3?! But if you do that you'll lose Page 4 as well, cos it's on the other side. I'd be very confused if my paper didn't have a Page 3 or 4 and just jumped to 5.

    I havent' had one of your leaflets, Dr Kapur and, sadly, I've no idea what you look like but I've done a little doodle of how I imagine you might appear. I put you in a rowing boat with a little poodle for company ... And you're quite attractive. X
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