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Looking for a family to share our lovely nanny

We are looking for a local family to share our lovely Ofsted-registered nanny with. We have been in a great share situation with some neighbors, but sadly they have just moved away. Our daughter will be three in July; Dida, who is warm, reliable and creative, has been with us for nearly two years. She has had a CRB check and first aid training, and recently registered with Ofsted, which means she can accept child care vouchers. She currently looks after our daughter about 25-30 hours a week, and is available for additional hours as well; our schedule can be flexible to accomodate a share, since I am a freelancer and work from home. It has been lovely having Dida look after two children together and we hope to continue doing that. We are also flexible about the age of the child we share with -- our just-finished share was with an 11-month-old baby, and that worked very well, so your child would not have to be the same age as ours. We live on Scarborough Road just off Upper Tollington Park. Call Beth, 07768 730 395, or for further details.


  • FinFin
    edited June 2010

    Having met with my wife to discus this some weeks ago is there any reason why you haven't got back to her at all? Fair enough that we're not for you, does make me wonder whether you're all that genuine though, and when it comes to their kids the other site users have a right to know.
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