Book club meeting 21st June

edited May 2010 in Local discussion
The next book club meeting will be on 21st June at 7.30pm st the old dairy.(corrected date inserted!) We are going to read two books this time: bonjour tristesse by francois sagan and another one I can't remember the name of ('Lullabies for little criminals' - inserted in an edit) I stupidly didn't bring a pen to write down - looks good though - jenny is going to post it andy please can you make this sticky? Ta!


  • edited 8:59PM
    The other book we agreed is 'Lullabies for little criminals' by Heather O'Neill. This is a bit longer that Bonjour Tristesse (only just over 100 pages long) which is why we thought people could read both if they wanted to.

    I think we actually agreed to meet again on Mon 21st June (15th is a Tues). Can anyone who was there confirm this?

    By the way - did the sunshine put everyone off? There were 5 of us there and we had some very mixed opinions on 'One Day' - but this made for a really enjoyable discussion.
  • edited 8:59PM
    Oops thanks jenny just so thers no confusion I have corrected my post Am hoping to get bonjour tristesse as an audio book but can only find a French version on iTunes
  • edited 8:59PM
    A combination of jetlag (just back from holiday) and a very bad wisdom tooth (can barely talk!) stopped me from going - shame, I would have enjoyed a smaller group discussion!
    Not sure I'll get through 2 books for next time, have got such a pile I'm already dying to read. But will take a look and pick one.
    I really enjoyed One Day - was a great holiday read. Will put a few thoughts on the previous thread in case others want to add.
  • edited 8:59PM
    How's everyone getting on? still up for the meeting on Monday? I re-read Bonjour Tristesse in about an hour, it's a very easy read. Halfway through Lullabies, it's a bit darker, hope I can finish it in time!
  • edited 8:59PM
    No one else planning on coming?
  • edited 8:59PM
    Hi, I'm still on for tomorrow. Only just started Bonjour Tristesse so glad to hear it's a quick read! I read Lullabies first - looking forward to discussing it tomorrow.
  • LizLiz
    edited 8:59PM
    Should be OK - work permitting. I have read both, and very interested to discuss them.
  • edited 8:59PM
    Really sorry but I can't make it tonight. My partner is working away so I've got to look after the kids.
    I'll look forward to the next meeting.
  • LizLiz
    edited 8:59PM
    Have been a bit over-optimistic on the work front and won't be able to make it...very sorry. I've read the books and everything!
  • edited 8:59PM
    Oh dear... only Charlotte and I turned up! :( I was really surprised as both books were really interesting this month I thought. even though there was just two of us, we talked for ages about each book, I think about an hour and a half or two hours, but it just flew by. Such a shame it was just the two of us. Really hope more of you can make it next time....
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