Why have you stopped coming to book club?

edited June 2010 in Local discussion
Obviously this question only applies to the people who have stopped coming! Just tonight only two of us showed up, which seemed a real shame as there were so many of us when we originally started it that there were complaints the discussion was too large and not everyone got a chance to speak! Obviously there are reasons why sometimes you just can't make it even if you really want to go... but I was just wondering if maybe there was a common reason some of you had stopped going altogether. eg - the weather (in which case, why don't we meet at a pub, and then head down to Finsbury Park?) - the books (too many? too difficult? too easy? not interesting enough? in which case, shall we do a poll for the next one) - the timing (too early? some people haven't been able to make it from work... would 8pm be better?) - the group (not everyone feels welcome? wasn't as fun going as you thought it would be? discussion was boring?) - too busy/too much commitment (in which case, fair enough!) - didn't manage to finish the book (does this really matter if you have something to say about it?) any other reason? It would be good to know, because I don't know about you, but I thought it was really cool the way we managed to start this book club, and I would really like to try to keep it going! Might be easier to make this a poll so you can vote anonymously but I don't know how to do that...


  • edited 3:29AM
    Hi Donna,
    I'm new on this forum but have been following it for quite some time. This may not be the appropriate message under this thread but I am interested in joining the bookclub, unfortunately I can't do Mondays. I understand that you may not want to change the day just for one person, but if more people agree on another evening during the week I'd be definitely up for it.
  • edited June 2010
    That's great, and definitely we could potentially look at moving the day. I'm happy to move it to another day if you are Charlotte!
  • edited 3:29AM
    Well, honesty being the best policy and all that jazz...
    I didn't come last night as I had the most outrageous hangover as a result of too much red wine on Sunday (always a mistake!), and after just about scraping through the day at work I just didn't think I could muster the energy to drag myself out again.

    Also, I didn't really enjoy the books as they were both a bit too gloomy for me although that wouldn't usually stop me from trotting along as different opinions often make for good discussion.

    I would prefer 8pm if that suits everyone else as it can be a bit of a rush to get home in time to go out again for 7.30. I missed the one before this due to a work meeting dragging on.

    It would be good to do a poll of some kind for the choice of book, as I'm never organised enough to bring along a choice for next time and ideas always jump out at me afterwards. One that I had thought of is 'Water for Elephants' by Sara Gruen.

    I do think that it's good that we managed to start this book club and I too would like it to keep going. The summer is always a time when numbers dwindle though - sunny evenings, holidays etc.

    I'm keen to hear what other people think.
  • edited 3:29AM
    Thanks for starting this discussion Donna. Really enjoyed talking about the books yesterday!

    I'd be in favour of moving it to another night if it means more people can make it. I can do any day except Tuesday as I have to work on Tuesday evenings. Moving to 8pm sounds like a good idea too. Perhaps we could vary the day if it means more people are likely to come?
  • edited June 2010
    I can't do Wednesday as I help with the local Brownie pack then. Any other day is usually fine with a few days notice.
  • edited 3:29AM
    I can do Wednesdays or Thursdays. 8pm would also be preferable for me as I have a long commute through half London.
    I don't mind discussing gloomy books but I am up for any suggestion.
  • edited 3:29AM
    Thursdays is looking good then. I can do Thursdays at 8pm. Shall we change the date for the next meet-up to 15th July? Any thoughts on the book? http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2009/jun/28/marina-lewycka-made-glue-review I'm happy to pick another one if you don't like the sound of this one!
  • edited 3:29AM
    15th of July sounds good to me.
  • edited June 2010
    15th is good for me too.
  • edited 3:29AM
    Yes me too. I've read a few reviews and like the sound of the book.
  • edited 3:29AM
    Awesome! Have changed the date and time! I've also started the book. So far it's funny and intriguing. I think it's a fair comment to say some of the books we've picked so far have been a bit depressing... or at least sounded depressing before you read them. This one is by a comic author so hopefully it will be funny and fun to read. But even if you don't read it, come along and help us decide the next one. And it really doesn't matter if you don't finish the book, or if you arrive late.
  • edited 3:29AM
    At least, it doesn't matter to me! :)
  • edited 3:29AM
    I wasn't able to come as had to work late. I think in the summer people have more things on and holidays etc therefore are not able to come each month.

    It may also help if we met at a pub with a garden for the summer months. Sorry old diary your pub is great, however when it's sunny it is nice to be outside. I'm on holiday for next month's but will come in August. I picked June's choice and it was very depressing and when I was reading it I thought oh no this will depress everyone! Sorry. Anyway I agree it's something we should keep up and am I am confident people will keep coming.
  • edited June 2010
    I totally agree about the garden pub... do you know of one? there don't seem to be many garden pubs in Stroud Green unfortunately (why not?!), but we could always head to the park once we've met... Also, please don't feel bad, both charlo and I were really glad you'd picked lullabies for little criminals and found it really interesting so no need to apologise. And Bonjour Tristesse (which I picked) probably seemed pretty depressing too, seeing as it's called 'Hello Sadness'! This month's choice (We are all made of glue) will hopefully be a good one! You can listen to an interview with author talking about it here: <http://www.theinterviewonline.co.uk/library/books/marina-lewycka-interview.aspx>; (Doesn't give anything of the plot away but makes it sound interesting - apparently it's 'hysterically funny') I'm going to go back to reading it now!
  • edited 3:29AM
    Yes, I like the Dairy very much but it would be nice to sit outside when it's warm. How about the Fullback? That has a garden and it's big enough that we can probably find seats inside if it rains.
  • edited 3:29AM
    Good idea! Shall we try the Fullback?
  • edited 3:29AM
    The Fullback sounds like a good plan.

    Angelab, I really loved Lullabies, was glad you chose it!
  • edited 3:29AM
    i haven't stopped coming! i was really annoyed i couldn't make the 'one day' one, and was away for this week's one. next one i am definitely in - will order the book tomorrow! see you at 8pm on the 15th in the fullback.
  • edited June 2010
    Apologies from me. With the world cup in full swing I have had my hands tied unfortunately !.

    I am totally cool with wherever people want to meet up, but I do think that winter is nicer for a book club.

    Most people are out enjoying the sun during what little we get of it !

    An outside option is a much better option during the summer months The fullback though is often packed and very noisy when its nice, bearing in mind that it is one of the only decent beer gardens in the area ! (Yes I truly wish I had a beer garden)

  • edited 3:29AM
    Hi Adam, I don't think we are giving up on the old dairy - just wanting to try it out at the fullback. I guess it depends on how packed it is as you say. Maybe if it is, we can head to the park. I really hope you come regardless of where it is! Donna
  • edited 3:29AM
    Yes, I agree about winter being the better time for a book club. The glorious weather does mean that people are more likely to be frolicking about outside than inside reading. If we are going to keep it going then maybe the park would be a good option - best of both worlds?

    Adam, I truly wish you had a garden there too.
  • edited 3:29AM
    I think I was slightly put off by the 2 books last month - I know they were short but I would have probably only ended up reading one and then it wouldn't have been much fun listening to a discussion about the other book! There are just so many other books I want to read at the moment it's hard to find the time to read other ones too.
    This month's book does sound good but I'm afraid I can't make either of the dates you've mentioned. Mondays are normally much better for me but I'll just play it by ear each month. I do think I'll come more in the autumn/winter months. I'll keep an eye out for what you set for the August book and what the date is in case I can come.
  • CatCat
    edited 3:29AM
    I've not been able to make the last two as I had somebody staying for one and was away for the other. I can't make the next one either as I've booked to go to the theatre that night. Would it help if the dates were organised more in advance?
  • edited 3:29AM
    I think that a month is quite a long time in advance. However, perhaps we could say that it would always be the second Thursday (or whichever day people prefer) of the month, or something along those lines? That would maybe help with long term planning.
  • edited 3:29AM
    I enjoyed the first couple of meetings then had schedule conflicts for the last two. I hope to be there on the 15th. One thing I would say about the times I went is that I was suprised that everyone got up and left en masse immediately after the book discussion finished. Maybe being a smaller group now and meeting not on a Monday will encourage people to socialise a bit more? Getting to know each other would probably help with people showing up regularly as well!
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