Book club meeting NOW!!!!!!!!!!! 15th July - "hysterically funny" We Are Made Of Glue

edited June 2010 in Local discussion
Next book club meeting is planned for THE FALTERING FULLBACK, hopefully in the garden, at 8pm on 15th July. *Please note change of venue from The Dairy* Book planned is 'We are all made of glue' by Marina Lewycka. Apparently this is 'hysterically funny'! You can read a review of it here: <>; An interesting interview with the author about it here: <>; (doesn't give anything away about the plot) Swap a book for a free copy of it here: <>; Find out where to buy it brand new cheapest here: <>; Get it from the libary: <>; Really hope to see you there!


  • edited June 2010
    bought it today on 3 for 2 in waterstones! in the same deal i got [troubles]( by j.g. farrell, which i have been wanting to read for ages. the siege of krishnapur (the second in farrell's 'trilogy') is one of my absolute favourite books, i'd love to suggest it for book club but it's about colonial india, which i thought you might be a bit sick of by now. troubles won the [lost booker prize]( a month ago, maybe it would be nice to do for the next book?
  • edited 12:26PM
    Got it this morning off Amazon. Really looking forward to getting stuck into in on my looong business trip this weekend!
  • edited 12:26PM
    I am going to be building a Christmas grotto for Wilkinson's on the 15th now so will be oop north all day. Very much doubt that I'll get back in time for book club. I hope there is a good turn out, I'm reading the book anyway and enjoying it so far, good choice.
  • edited 12:26PM
    @ Miss annie. Christmas Grotto in July?
  • edited 12:26PM
    It's always Christmas at Wilkinsons = Another reason not to go in a Wilkinsons.
  • edited 12:26PM
    My life is just one loooong Christmas. we started designing John Lewis' Christmas in January!

    Wilkinson's are planning to put Christmas grottos into their top money making stores this year so I'm a building a life size mock up in their head office. Just to make sure it works and looks as 'Christmassy' in real life as the scale model I made for them...which I could possibly post a picture of if I wasn't so utterly remedial about all things technical.

    The Wilkinsons up north are actually not so bad, bit like a Homebase type of affair. Not glamorous but full of useful stuff. They make absolutely stacks of cash too!
  • edited 12:26PM
    @ Miss annie. Have you ever worked on the Fenwick Christmas window in Newcastle? Iconic (or at least it was when I was a kid).
  • edited 12:26PM
    Yes we do work for them, the company I currently work for has been at it for about 20 years so I guess they would have done the windows that you remember.
  • edited 12:26PM
    Hi All

    So sorry I couldn't make the last meet - I had to look after my kiddies as my partner was working away. I've also just realised I'll be on holiday on july 15th :( but I've just got the book and I'll read it anyway.

    Please be reassured I'm not deserting bookclub - it's just unfortunate timing 2 months on the trot. Look forward to seeing you all soon.
  • edited 12:26PM
    Hi, are people still on for Thursday? I'm looking forward to it, although still have quite a lot of the book to get through! I was wondering if we should agree on a part of the pub/garden to aim to meet in as there might be potential for people missing each other?

    By the way, I'd be interested in Sophie's suggestion for our next book.
  • edited 12:26PM
    i'll definitely be there on thursday. not sure about the best place to meet though, haven't been to the fullback in a while. i've got a long list of things to say about the book... i'll bring along my suggestion for next month as well. see you there!
  • edited 12:26PM
    I'm also still on for Thursday. As the Fullback was chosen for its roof terrace I am assuming that we will meet up there. I haven't been to any of the previous meetings, so I won't know any of you (and vice versa). Should I wave the book to make myself cognisable, or how do you usually meet?
  • edited 12:26PM
    So far we've met in the same bit of the Dairy every time so it's been easy to find everyone. Waving the book is probably a good idea! Maybe we should try to meet downstairs in the garden area just before 8 and then find a table? May be raining too so we might end up having to sit inside.
  • edited 12:26PM
    I'm definitely coming! Downstairs in the garden area just before 8 sounds great. Maybe if we put the books on the table in front of us - except when waving them, of course - that will help?
  • edited July 2010
    Hope to see you all in a few minutes!
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