finding dogs to walk

edited August 2010 in Local discussion
Hello, all,

I would like to walk a dog a couple of times a week and owning one is out of the question as I'm allergic (they don't bother me outdoors, but indoors I'm miserable). I wonder -- is there someone near Stroud Green Road/Tollington Park who has a dog who would enjoy an outing on a lead a couple of times a week? I do like dogs and get on fine with them (sometimes people misread the allergy as dislike, which isn't true at all).

I'm free during the day on some weekdays and would like to soak up a bit of the scarce daylight as the days get shorter. Living this near Finsbury Park it's a shame not to go walking there.

Or is there a dog shelter nearby? I bet there are dogs there who would love some exercise.


  • edited 11:51AM
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  • edited 11:51AM
    You could try this charity:

    I am told they match up volunteers who want to walk dogs with elderly people who can't take their dogs out as much as they would like.
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    I work for Dogs Trust and the Goswell Rd address is our HQ, not a shelter. We do have a rehoming centre in West London but admittedly that's a bit of a schlepp from here for a regular dog walking spot!

    I used to volunteer dog walk with the Cinnamon Trust when I lived in Bristol and can really recommend it. The dog's owners were elderly and quite ill so weren't able to walk such an exuberant Collie chap; I was only too happy to help :)

    If you do find a dog to walk in Fins Park you might be interested in a fundraising event we're holding there in October: - lots of dog oggling opportunities!
  • edited 11:51AM
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  • edited 11:51AM
    I would be interested to know how you both get on if you do talk to Cinnamon trust. I have been thinking about doing it myself but am a bit worried about committing to a regular thing then having to be away for work and letting someone down.
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