
While I've had the builders in I have been checking out local places for breakfast. I reckon beans on toast and a cup of tea is a healthy option and availability of Internet is a definite plus, here's my recommendation:

Best value: Finsbury Park Cafe (£3.25) opens at 9, Wifi usually OK but wasn't working last week.

Second best option, friendliest: Dream River Cafe (new brekkie menu, around £4), reliable free Wifi.

Poshest: Front Room (£4.80) free Internet

Greasiest: Sunshine (£4 for the entire works, no wi fi)

Any other breakfast recommendations, preferably with wi fi?


  • edited 2:56PM
    A breakfast pancake at Dudley's?
  • AliAli
    edited 2:56PM
  • edited 2:56PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 2:56PM
    I suppose one option would be go to the WLM, have five pints of cider, take a kip on one of the sofas and wake up for breakfast then.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:56PM
    Can't drink alcohol I think until after 9am it is a civilised place you know !
  • edited 2:56PM
    I like to wait at least until the sun is past the yardarm.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:56PM
    Sun over the yardarm" This phrase is widely used, both afloat and ashore, to indicate that the time of day has been reached at which it is acceptable, variously, to have lunch or (more commonly) to have an alcoholic beverage. In modern parlance, the latter usage typically refers to early evening, but the phrase is thought originally to have referred to late morning and to the sun's ascent past a particular yard. The actual time that the sun would pass a particular yard would depend greatly on the ship's latitude and heading, as well as the height of her masts, but the phrase seems to have originated in the north Atlantic, where, in summer, this would have typically been at about 11 a.m.. This was the time at which, by custom and rule, the first rum "tot" of the day was issued to officers and men (the officers had their tots neat, while the men had theirs diluted with water), hence its connection with taking one's first alcoholic drink of the day. The earliest mention of this phrase collected by the OED is in Rudyard Kipling's From Sea to Sea in 1899, where it is used as a metaphor referring to drinking habits. However, the phrase was in use earlier, in the same context. One example is from the first volume of Life, from the issue of May 31, 1883 [1].
  • edited 2:56PM
    I always take it to mean 11 am. Precisely.
  • edited 2:56PM
    I'm glad that's cleared up.
  • edited 2:56PM
    I always take it to mean 'when my hands start shaking'. A
  • edited 2:56PM
    It means 'when Happy Hour starts'.
  • edited 2:56PM
    I really like Molens - the lady who works there is lovely, and it's acceptable café fare, not expensive. I usually have jacket potato the size of a child's head.
  • edited 2:56PM
    It's always 11 am somewhere in the world.
  • edited 2:56PM
    Try <I>Mari e monte</I>, Crouch Hill, just past The Old Dairy, worth the walk ... he cares about food in there ... no wifi

    WiFi with breakfast? How sad are some of you people .. let go for some of the time?
  • edited 2:56PM
    I had breakfast set menu 7 at Sunshine cafe yesterday. It was wonderful. Mountains of tasty, greasy food. Nothing beats it.
  • edited 2:56PM
    Sunshine cafe's scrambled egg nearly gave me the boak this morning. Going to have to lie down somewhere now.
  • edited 2:56PM
    What's the boak?
  • It is Scottish for feeling sick. Godzilla probably had a sad wee look all over their coupon after the breakfast. A deep fried Mars bar would have sent him/her over the edge.
  • edited August 2010
    I had set number 4 on Sunday, satisfyingly as-to-be-expected greasy spoon plateful. £4 for all set breakfasts, with toast and not too bad cappucino included (cappucino is not very greasy spoonesqe though)
  • edited 2:56PM
    I didn't like the Dream River Cafe breakfast, the eggs weren't of this earth and the sausage was deeply disappointing. I like the Front Room breakfast a lot, though everyone in there is younger than me and can grow a beard unlike me
  • edited August 2010
    You guys are making me really hungry!! I am sitting here at 0845 on a Thursday crouched over my own computer and a cup of tea. I'd really love a greasy breakfast but I have to wait in for someone. The sun over the yardarm won't show itself because it is gloomy out there.
  • edited 2:56PM
    You don't need sunshine to observe the 11am rule.
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