How do I entertain a dog?

edited August 2010 in General chat
Hello all, I will be dog sitting a lively, young King Charles Spaniel over bank holiday weekend and aside from letting him run riot in the back garden, the Parkland Walk or Finsbury Park, can anyone recommend interesting things to do to entertain a young dog. Thanks


  • edited 12:21AM
    Based on the picnic I was at yesterday, frisbees and Jammy Dodgers seem to be very popular with the canine crowd.
  • edited 12:21AM
    Take him walkies round Crouch End and use him as a way to meet attractive people of the opposite sex.

    Alternatively (to give yourself a break), tie him to the fence next to the tennis courts, and watch him go mad trying to get to the balls.
  • edited 12:21AM
    jillzilla and Misscara were both looking for dogs to walk a short while ago. Perhaps they might be interested amusing the little critter for a while over the weekend?
  • edited 12:21AM
    Super cheap dog toy - knot together old pairs of socks
  • edited 12:21AM
    So far, I'll be tying him the the tennis court fence, enjoying a picnic, while teasing him with an old pair of socks and a frisbee. I'm not sure the missus would endorse the picking-up tactic, and although he is an adorable scamp, he mostly seems to attract the Staffy and Mastiff owning yout', often desperate to explain how friendly their frenzied pooch is, while their facial expressions usually read "please don't eat the little dog!".
  • edited 12:21AM
    It's not a dog toy Ted, it's a joke telephone
  • ArcherArcher Scarborough Road
    edited 12:21AM
    lol @ sincers.

    My dog is called Oscar, he looks like a Jack Russel with Rottweiler/ Doberman colouring. A good old ball and his other dog friends makes him happy - not the ones that bite him though. Hes been attacked 3 times, twice by Staffs or some kind of mix of that and once by a terrier - he held his own in that fight.
  • edited 12:21AM
    I'm not sure Artie could hold his own against a gerbil, let alone a terrier. He's currently spooked by the pendent lampshade in my living room - bless 'im.
  • edited 12:21AM
    Please let us know how you got on. What did he find most entertaining?
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