Estate Agent for letting a flat

edited June 2010 in Local discussion
Hi All It looks like later in the year I'm going to need to rent out my flat in stroud green. I'm probably going to need to use a estate agent to manage it as I'm not going to be in the country. I was wondering if anyone had any experience of using any stroud green estate agents to let a flat out? Cheers James


  • edited June 2010
    Hi James, What's your flat like? I have a couple of friends looking to potentially move into the area. PErsonally I wouldn't bother with a lettings agent. Have a read of this: <>;
  • edited 5:21AM
    Thanks Donna - in many ways I am also not keen on a letting agent. However we're going to be moving to Germany so not sure if we'll really be able to manage it ourself from abroad - sure it would be fine most of the time but worried how disruptive it would be if something major went wrong. The problem being if the agent is rubbish it's probably worse than doing it myself! So would be great to hear of anyone's experience.
  • edited 5:21AM
    Sorry Donna - realised I hadn't replied to your first question as soon as I posted my last comment. It's a 2 double bed upper ground floor flat with a garden. However we're not moving until November so might be too late for your friends anyway?
  • edited 5:21AM
    Hi James

    We used Hobarts without any grumbles, apart from the hefty fee on renewal which is really crap but they all do it.

    Whoever you go with, always negotiate fee down if you can.
  • edited 5:21AM
    We used to rent from Davies and Davies - very good.
  • edited June 2011
    Renewal fees have now been outlawed... <>; Do not use Ludlow Thompson. The buffoons at the FP office rented my flat out for less than I instructed them to, forgot to carry out the check-in report but had the gall to bill me for it and inserted a break clause against my wishes which, of course, was to their advantage. They also completely fucked-up dealing with the tenants' deposit and I had to sort out the deposit protection myself. A bigger bunch of scheming, mendacious, incompetent fuckwits I have yet to meet.
  • edited 5:21AM
    Thanks James. I will ask them. Approximately how much are you looking for? They're selling their home at the moment so probably won't need to move before November - property transactions take a while. I really want them to move nearby so we can go to pub quizzes together. You could take out landlords emergency insurance and that way when there's a problem the tenant sorts it out directly with the insurance company. <>;
  • edited 5:21AM
    Re: Davies and Davies, I like the staff in there a lot, but I'd never use them as agents. The flats above me are rented and Davies and Davies is the agent for both. The flat above me had a leak for several weeks while the tenant was away, during which time I tried to get Davies and Davies to deal with it, while my wall went black and grew large mushrooms which I left to watch their progress of growth. They never managed to deal with it, despite repeated visits from their handymen. They said I should get the gulleys on the roof swept, maybe it was condensation, total shit. I sent my own plumber up there, and it was a constantly overfull cistern causing the problem, which seems a very basic thing to sort. I also used the Davies and Davies guys to put a sink in once, it was completely wonky and cost more to redo that it would have done in the first place.
  • edited 5:21AM
    Christ. Thanks for the warning Dorothy. As you say the staff at D&D are really nice. In my experience the same cannot be said for Ludlow Thompson - so thanks for the confirmation poxy. I guess the problem with an estate agent or insurance company is that they're unlikely to have the greatest handymen (because why would a decent one need the work from them)? Any more experiences (good or bad)?
  • edited 5:21AM
    I've rented from Hanley who were extremely helpful and had a good handyman.
  • edited 5:21AM
    Thanks Poxy (re: renewal fees)!
  • edited 5:21AM
    Hi All Sorry for reviving this thread. Still undecided who to entrust my flat to! I was wondering if anyone had any experience of Michael Morris? To be honest they seem to be more focused south of the park but the people I've met have been fairly impressive. Cheers James
  • edited 5:21AM
    Michael Morris looked after the last couple of houses I lived in, and the landlords always seemed pretty happy with them, and we were contented tenants. They do seem to have a lot of stuff towards FP rather than SG proper, but everyone I've dealt with in there (Michele especially, pleasant Anglo-Italian chap) have been lovely.
  • IanIan
    edited 5:21AM
    Bought and sold with Michael Morris, no experience of renting but they are really nice people and I found them very good to deal with. Tim is the other main man.
  • edited 5:21AM
    James, my wife and I may be looking for a flat to rent in November if we are unable to find somewhere to buy. Can you whisper me to get in touch, as potentially you could do this without an agent and if we became tenants we would be more than happy to take reponsibility for sorting out any problems etc.
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