Can anyone recommend a cleaner?

edited September 2010 in Local discussion

Can anyone recommend a cleaner? I need someone who does the job well (I've had too many that just surface clean), and quickly.

Also, what is the going rate around here? I'm from Yorkshire where things tend to be ever-so-slightly cheaper...

Thank you!


  • edited 9:46PM
    Surely someone on here must have a cleaner?!
  • edited 9:46PM
    If you type 'cleaner' in the box to your right and click search you will find all the other threads about cleaners.
  • edited 9:46PM
    why don't you learn to clean your own mess up? It doesn't take long!
  • edited 9:46PM
    But if you don't like it and you can afford to outsource, then why not do so?
  • edited September 2010
    Yes, why not but so many people think that they should pay cleaners low wages and I think that's wrong. They have to travel from house to house.

    A friend who just wanted a short term let in London moved into an attic flat with a fairly rich family. They earned about 100 grand a year, plus they had shares. They had a country house, the kid went to private school but they paid a woman from the Philipines £6 an hour to do their ironing. I'm not sure if she did just one hours work, but she probably had to go to many houses in the day which meant that she lost money travelling. This family could have paid her £8 and the £2 extra would have meant a lot. To them £2 is nothing!

    What I'm getting at is that hiring a cleaner is fine. Many people live busy lives, hate the activity and are bad at it but don't be a scrooge if you do hire one. It's a fairly crap job and they need a decent wage!
  • edited 9:46PM
    given that post, "why don't you learn to clean your own mess up? It doesn't take long! " perhaps lacks the nuance you were shooting for.
  • edited September 2010
    The meaning/nuance I was shooting for was that if he wants to pay low wages to clean up his mess then maybe it's better if he does it himself. No cost, apart from cleaning fluids!

    Otherwise, pay a cleaner a fairly decent wage! There are so many rich scrooges out there who will skimp on these type of things but spend £400 on an iphone.

    But that's greed and modern life! Well, probably life though out history!
  • valval
    edited 9:46PM
    About £10 an hour is the decent going rate for cleaners in this area. You could try looking at the ads in Hornsey library, where they sometimes advertise. Agencies take about a third of what you pay, so it is better to employ one yourself if possible.
  • edited 9:46PM
    Kreuzkav: I certainly agree that cleaners (Hell, everyone) should be paid a decent wage. But the original poster gave no indication that they were planning to skimp and, if they'd taken the advice of your initial response, they'd now be paying the hard-up cleaner in question nothing at all because they wouldn't be employing her.
  • edited 9:46PM
    Wow. I wasn't expecting such reaction to my post. I'm certainly not rich, but fed up of arguing with my boyfriend about cleaning (and I refuse to accept I have to do it all myself). So I decided it would be better all round if we split the cost of a cleaner, which I am sure wouldn't be excessive due to the size of our tiny one-bed flat!

    Anyway, thank you to all those who helped, hopefully I will find a good one!
  • edited 9:46PM
    G.Lancaster, I take your point about not having to be rich to have a cleaner. I just thought that in your drive to find a cheap cleaner, you may forget they have lives and often families and need a decent wage. Of course, they should do the job well.

    I think we are all searching for a bargain nowadays. With price comparison sites on the web and bargain airlines it's so easy to do and we often forget that we're driving down wages.

    Good luck in your search!
  • valval
    edited 9:46PM If you can't find a cleaner yourself, I can recommend one agency which is reliable and will replace your cleaner if you are not satisfied. You have to commit to paying three months in advance and they take about one third of what you pay. It is called Selclene. I used them for a couple of years, but was not happy about their hefty cut, so eventually found a cleaner myself. I don't think she wants any more work at present, but I'll ask her.
  • edited 9:46PM
    It sounds like your boyfriend needs to pull his finger out.
  • edited 9:46PM
    he most certainly does
  • valval
    edited 9:46PM
    Three hours a fortnight might suit her. That is what she does for me. She has been working for me about a year, but she is the best/nicest cleaner I have ever had. If you tell her what you want, I am sure she will do it. If you want her to pull out the armchairs, and clean behind them, for example, she would. She has cleaned out cupboards for me when I asked and her ironing is excellent. You have to provide the cleaning materials. You could give her a trial, if you want to. We could meet you next Wednesday, 9th (or 13th if you can't manage it), between 1pm and 7pm, (the earlier the better) if that is okay. Shall we meet outside the launderette at the bottom of Ferme Park Road, as you may not want to put your house number on website?
  • valval
    edited 9:46PM
    I will ask her, but I am not sure how much space she has left. Would you mind asking again in about a month's time, when her possible new schedule is sorted out? Unless I get back to you before then. Which road are you in?
  • valval
    edited 9:46PM
    I'm sorry - I meant Wednesday 6th! Would that suit you? What time? Shall we make a firm arrangement?
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