Your Local Alpha Course



  • Ah... Clever.

    No, alas that's a bit too subtle for me, AGDADS. I only look at the pictures, see, cos I really struggle with words -- unless they're books written by ex SAS men. I can just about manage a chapter of Dan McSteel's "Arab Scorch" without the assistance of painkillers.  Or my skull shattering again.
  • edited 12:39AM
    The next Alpha Course starts this Wednesday:

    Course: Wednesdays, 7-9.30pm, from Wed 5th Oct.

    Venue: Andover Community Centre, Andover Estate

    Format: Delicious evening meal > Talk > Discussion in small groups

    Topics: Jesus - Prayer - Bible - Guidance - Holy Spirit - Healing - Church

    If you are interested in attending our course please give us a call for further information: 020 7561 5462

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  • edited December 2017
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