Buying the leasehold for a loft

edited September 2010 in Local discussion
Does anyone have experience buying the leasehold of a loft from Islington Council? In particular I'm wondering what a rough estimate of cost would be - just a typical price per square foot, for example, if that's the metric they use. The Council website says you have to pay a (ridiculous) £412 valuation fee to get a price and I'm not interested in doing that just yet.


  • AliAli
    edited 4:13AM
    the metric is probably square meters
  • edited 4:13AM
    Would it be possible to buy the freehold first?
  • edited 4:13AM
    do you own the flat? presumably leasehold? why don't you just use the loft anyway? do you want to convert the loft? they might not let you do this on leasehold anyway £412 valuation fee sounds utterly reasonable to me. £750 would be about right so the council is cheap. and they will have to do it one way or another as they have to come up with a price to charge you anyway, lots of questions
  • edited 4:13AM
    Yes I own the flat via leasehold. The idea is to convert the loft and you can get permission to do this on a leasehold. I don't think buying the freehold is an option as the bottom flat is still a concil tenant and seems they don't sell the freehold in those cases.

    £412 to value a space they can size from the lease and which they must sell comparables to on a fairly regular basis still strikes me as expensive! Perhaps It's me that's cheap.
  • edited 4:13AM

    Not-disinterested question: did you find how much they charge in the end?
  • edited 4:13AM
    Afraid not!
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