Stapleton Tavern



  • edited 10:24PM
    <i>I'm not sure about the make-up mirror lighing around the sign. It's so bight you can't read it and you can see the lights glaring from right down the other end of SGR. They look a bit silly.</i>

    Much improved now that half the bulbs have blown.
  • edited 10:24PM
    I like the way the Noble use the las vegas / make up mirror lighting, I think they look loads better as one continuous line around the facade. That aside, it's a lovely pub now, super friendly, and much improved from the Larrikins days.
  • edited 10:24PM
    Ha, yes, I noticed the blown lights. I wondered if someone had done it deliberately. I hope its not early decay setting in.
  • edited 10:24PM
    Visited here last week. I think the main difference from before is that its busier! No real massive changes as far as i can see. Overall, its much calmer and relaxed than its neighbours, and the clientele appear to be slightly older. Its a very nice building, but just suffers from being too big a space. The area at the far end should be loaded with high back sofas rather than maintaining an open school canteen feel. If you go in as a couple, its quite hard to find somewhere for an intimate drink and chat. That said, i'm pleased to have it back and its back on the approved supplier list.
  • edited 10:24PM
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  • edited 10:24PM
    I'd pay £10 not to go to 'Spoons'.
  • edited October 2010
    [gets popcorn]
  • edited 10:24PM
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  • edited 10:24PM
    Don't give it to me, I'll just fritter it away on shoes.
  • edited 10:24PM
    Yes, lovely to see you Misscara and always nice to meet other SGers. Lots of SG action last night!
  • edited 10:24PM
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  • edited 10:24PM
    Miss Annie you’re alive! When I heard you’d gone into the WLM I held a little memorial service for you and everything. Small funeral pyre made from impractical shoes. Perhaps my fear of the WLM is overdone. Misscara perhaps you should organise an official trip there so we can overcome our fears via strength in numbers. A
  • edited 10:24PM
    Why thank you Arkady, I'm sure it was a lovely service.
  • edited 10:24PM
    Official SGR WLoM trip. I'm intrigued.
  • edited 10:24PM
    I pray before I go in the WLM, and then again when I get out alive.
  • edited 10:24PM
    As mentioned on the wrong thread.....word is getting around. I had to call someone I know yesterday who is a Crouch Ender and a radio journalist on the Today programme......he wanted to know if we could meet in the Stapleton as he'd heard good things about it. Mind you that Nick Robinson the political correspondent off the telly with the specs off was spotted in there a couple of months ago during the dying days of the 'Larrik' .... just shows these media people can't be relied on to have taste.
  • edited 10:24PM
    We were in the Stapleton yesterday. It is good. I like it.
  • edited 10:24PM
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  • edited 10:24PM
    where were you? i think the ginger monkey was there as well.
  • edited 10:24PM
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  • edited 10:24PM
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  • edited 10:24PM
    Finally went to the Stapleton last night and good heavens, they've taken one of the most depressing pubs I've ever visited and made it genuinely rather lovely. The enormous Christmas tree certainly helps. Though it was a shame that the DJ felt the need to crank up the volume circa half nine, and go for more of a bar vibe - it wasn't happening, it just made conversation trickier. Still, a marked improvement and a welcome addition to the road. And the cider is Stowford Press!
  • edited 10:24PM
    Yes! Can someone less passive aggressive than me tell them to lay off the crap house.
  • edited 10:24PM
    It wasn't house, though - except for a handbag track or two. The choice of music wasn't my problem - it was mainly indie/electro stuff, some pants (Reverend & the Makers), some good (MGMT's 'Kids', Hot Chip), all of it fine at the earlier volume and then suddenly too loud for the venue.
  • edited 10:24PM
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  • edited 10:24PM
    What's that one called?
  • edited 10:24PM
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  • edited 10:24PM
    Does East Dulwich not count as Dukwich anymore? I must have missed the secession.
  • edited 10:24PM
    I always think when people say 'Dulwich', they mean Dulwich Village where the park and the Gallery are. North Dulwich is where all the posh schools are, and East Dulwich is the trendy bit. All quite distinct and not that near to each other. Not sure where Dukwich is.
  • edited 10:24PM
    I was in the Stapleton last night, it's looking really lovely and festive and welcoming. There was a folky type band on in the front room, but sitting in the back room the piped-through music was completely unobtrusive. Maybe Friday night is party night..?
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