New Members (very exciting!)



  • edited 9:42AM
    One more to 50!!!!
  • edited 9:42AM
    2 if you ignore the admin account?
  • edited 9:42AM
    We're at 50 registered. One of those is an admin account.
  • edited 9:42AM

    found you this am. to all involved...yes, yes and more yes. visionary.

    inspired my blog today...(a SG top 5)

    again, yes.
  • edited 9:42AM
    oh, and been living and working here for bout 5 months, having been drawn by both my sisters (the W7 is our family property in SG, sis in Crouch End, other one in Mussers) away from sarfeast london.
  • edited 9:42AM
    Nice blog Benji. Welcome
  • LizLiz
    edited March 2007
    Benji, based on your blog you definitely have some stuff to add to the Directory section, which has been a bit quiet of late...
  • edited 9:42AM
    Another New Member Hello Loulou. Tell us a bit about yourself. And stuff.
  • edited 9:42AM
    Ola to urbanmiss - our newest member. Well over 50 users now. We're the next myspace i tell thee.
  • eded
    edited 9:42AM
    Word up !
  • edited 9:42AM
    Hello all, I'm new. I love the site. I've been in N4 for three years and think it's brill. My favourite things about Stroud Green:

    That little stuffed goat?/sheep? thing in Woodys by the meat counter
    The big husky-ish dog outside the flower shop with the blue eyes - but where has he gone?!
    Drinking at 10am at the White Lion (ok, I don't actually do that but I like that others do)
  • edited 9:42AM
    Hello urbanm, welcome to the riviera.
  • edited 9:42AM
    I'm very worried about the husky dog in the flower shop. First his little friend (some sort of scruffy mongrel thing) vanished, and now the husky has gone too. And I didn't steal it, I promise (although I often considered volunteering to walk it, I used to feel so sorry for it).
  • edited April 2007
    I wondered why my lasagne from the Italian deli tasted funny the other day.

    welcome, urbanmiss!
  • edited 9:42AM
    Bunch of new members have joined that I haven't introduced. Al, Dreadlocks, Giles, Ian, Lucky and poxy. There are probably others, but forum moderation in recent weeks can probably be best described as 'slapdash'. Sorry. Please introduce yourselves, being sure to share a few key nouns that will help the rest of us google-stalk you.
  • edited 9:42AM
    Hello, all.

    The name's Server, Poxy Server... as used on various other websites.

    I was told about by Mills, who I know IRL. I don't actually live in SG but I will do by the end of the month. Touch wood.
  • edited 9:42AM
    You getting a job at Woody Grill, then?

  • edited 9:42AM
    (Because Andy's slacking..)

    Hello to missfrancesca!
  • edited 9:42AM
    hello emma, lawrence and others newies who've joined as a result of me spamming facebook.
  • IanIan
    edited 9:42AM
    I introduced myself before but will again for sake of completeness. Been around and about for years but moved back up to Stroud Green area last year from south of the park . So hello. Again.
  • edited 9:42AM
    Another Emma? Contraversial!
  • edited 9:42AM
    you'll have to have an "emma-off"

    i'm open as to what the rules of this might be.
  • edited 9:42AM
    Hello to Purbbs. Do say hello.
  • edited 9:42AM
    Hi everyone.

    Fresh new Stroud Green-er here, been in the N4 for oh, coming up 5 days now. So I'm liking the guides to the best pubs, restaurants etc!
  • edited 9:42AM
    Hello Michael. Welcome a-board!
  • edited 9:42AM
    Hi Michael. You've moved to the right place.
  • edited 9:42AM
    hello all, i have been living in london for 2 and a half years and the stroud for 12 months..... isnt it funny we probaly all pass each other in the street and wouldnt know who each other was
  • edited 9:42AM
    Walking up SGR or in Tesco's I sometimes catch sight of somebody and think 'hmmm he must be one of us'. We might become more obvious if we start wearing 'I heart N4' t-shirts...
  • edited May 2007
    I've added some slightly subtler 'I heart' badges for less confident. ![](
  • edited 9:42AM
    Hi, I'm Giles and just moved to N4 from East Finchley. I briefly lived over this way ( near H'gay station ) years ago and despite having my car nicked from outside my flat, still decided to come back. Bringing wife and young son in tow.
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