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Mind in Haringey

Mind Haringey Wellbeing Wokshop for people living with mental health problems
.Our mission is to meet the growing demands of the centre’s diverse group, encouraging independent living as well as giving support necessary in areas which affect members on a daily basis, both emotional and practical. Please note what we are providing at Haringey Mind is not a drop in service but a wellbeing learning and development centre so if you are interested in a particular project or activity that we provide please ask for a referral form
The centre boasts a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere where members can engage in creative activities .The centre is open Monday to Friday offering a range of classes including Music, Gardening, and Reike, Stress Management and Relaxation as well as a range of other activities. There is a forum meeting for members where they can discuss and debate their views and concerns without fear or prejudice every week.
The centre has a team of friendly helpful staff who are available to assist members in accessing the services they may require .The service endeavours to do all it can for its members to promote a better standard of living.
What does the Centre offer?
The centre is always looking at ways of incorporating new and creative workshops and welcomes any suggestions from members.
For example, the centre has a Wellbeing afternoon on a Friday were our members can experience Reike healing and learn how to manage stress and anxiety through simple breathing exercises and self massage using essential oils . These are great opportunities for the members of the centre to expand their knowledge and improve life coping skills in a relaxed environment. Please note that some projects that run at the service will include a small fee
Are you interested? Here is how to join
Just a few steps and you can become a welcome and valued member of Mind in Haringey Activity Centre:
• Contact the centre to arrange a visit with one of our friendly staff. You are welcome to bring a friend or support worker with you.
• You will be given a guided tour of the centre which will give you the opportunity to ask questions.
• An information pack will be given with all the services provided at Mind Haringey
• You will also be put on our mailing list for any upcoming events.
Once your meeting is over and you are interested in joining you will be asked to fill in a referral form. To arrange an informal talk or visit we can be contacted on (020) 8340 7228 Monday to Friday 10.15am/4.00pm


  • Mind in Haringey

    Mind in Haringey has a new director Anita Hudson; Anita has a wealth of experience within the mental health community.
    She is an ambassador for complimentary therapies to help reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
    Mind in Haringey has lost almost all of its funding over the last couple of years so with the help of a dedicated team of paid staff and volunteers Anita is committed to getting Mind Haringey up and running with a range of services to empower and build confidence for local people living with mental health problems within the borough of Haringey.
    Already links have been made with Food Cycle a food charity that uses food donated by local supermarkets. Food Cycle approached Anita with a view to setting up a community café that at the moment runs on a Friday between 12.00am /2.00pm it is now in its fourth week and is attracting people from the local area the fare is mainly vegetarian the food is of a excellent standard and prices are very reasonable ranging from starters from £1.00 , main course from £2.00 and desserts from £1.20 you can have a three course lunch including tea/coffee for £4.00 and all this is waitress served its so good to have people who use the Mind service and local people integrating together and enjoying good food but at the same time breaking down the barriers and gaining a better understanding of mental health and who it can effect.
    The new wellbeing workshops are due to start on Monday 15th November all the workshops are geared towards learning and development for people using our service plus different tools for people to use to help reduce stress , anxiety and instil confidance.Mind also has a garden project for people who use the service to get involved with. At the moment the group are in the middle of taking down an old stage that was erected and redesigning the whole area with a range of garden pots and repainting the fencing. We also have redesigned an area as an allotment to grow fruit and vegetables that we will use to cook with in our community café, also redesigning the tables that we already have by using mosaic tiles which will be done through an art project that we hope to set up in the New Year. All this will give a new look for the back of Station House, letting local people and people who use our service to enjoy lunch or a quiet cup of tea/coffee in peaceful and tranquil surroundings.
    Mind in Haringey is also looking at putting on alternative therapy days once a month so members of the public can access this service hopefully on a Saturday.
    Mind in Haringey are hoping to arrange other events for our local community to get involved with and are always on the lookout for volunteers to help run the service not only within the Wellbeing projects. If you have specialist skills in fundraising, finance, or IT we would love to hear from you, all we ask is you can spare a minimum of four hours a week please give us a call on 02083402474 and speak to Dave Forrest
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