Book Club: 'The Birds and Other Stories', Thursday 4th November



  • edited 3:57AM
    Hi all - there were about 6 of us at the dairy last Thursday but given the absence of quite a few regulars we thought we'd put a book suggestion on here for discussion and leave final agreement to the broader group. We landed on Donna Tartt's The Secret History as our suggestion - Miss annie has read it and recommends and apparently it does involve snow!
  • edited 3:57AM
    That's a damn fine book - though it may have helped that I read it while in a situation which to some extent mirrored the protagonist's - but on no account allow yourself to be lured into attempting her follow up, the quite astoundingly dull The Little Friend.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Quite so, she was a definite one book wonder.
  • edited 3:57AM
    i'd be up for that. did you decide on a date?
  • edited 3:57AM
    Excellent! I believe that we settled on December 9th. It was also to be a bit of a Christmas do, so perhaps we should meet half an hour earlier to give us time to discuss our book and then eat, drink and /or be merry?
  • edited 3:57AM
    If we are happy with the book I'll start a new thread for the next meeting. DonnaW and Charlo, are you happy with The Secret History? And does anyone have any thoughts about a venue?
  • edited 3:57AM
    Definitely up for The Secret History - it will be good to read it as I bought my copy in 1993 and haven't got round to it yet!
  • edited 3:57AM
    Me too! Definitely up for it, I've read it before and really liked it, keen to re-read. Dec 9th works for me. really sorry I couldn't make it. Still got my cold and cough! Aaargh I hate winter.
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