Costa Coffee

edited November 2010 in Local discussion
It's on the wrong side of the tracks (literally) but Costa have opened up a reasonable sized, as it includes two floors, coffee shop on the triangle opposite FP tube. It's in the old Threshers and whatever the shop nextdoor to Threshers was. Opened today, there was still an electrician in wiring up the lights. Costa Coffee is not our favourite brand, it isn't that great if you ask me, but it is the first chain coffee shop in the area so I felt it worthy of note.


  • edited 1:02AM
    I saw that today too. If we are going to have a chain coffee bar I wish it had been Caffe Nero but hey ho.
  • edited 1:02AM
    This is like the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935.
  • edited 1:02AM
    No Andy, really, it isn't ...
  • edited 1:02AM
    In our GCSE history book, there was a photo of the Abyssinian resistance and they had one rifle between about five of them, and a donkey with wheels on its back. It was a source of much hilarity that they had nonetheless held off the Italians for 18 months or so.
  • edited 1:02AM
    ADGS I think you have a description of down to a T
  • edited 1:02AM
    It's a precursor to the main event, slightly off to the side and not prosecuted by the main players and ignored by everyone else more in hope than anything else. As Haile Selassie said: "It is us today. It will be you tomorrow".
  • edited 1:02AM
    Appeasement or tooling up for resistance?
  • IanIan
    edited 1:02AM
    So the Italians went to Abyssinia to sell coffee in the hope they could break into the Kenyan market?
  • edited 1:02AM
    Shame it's Costa, I agree with Miss Annie, Cafe Nero is nicer.
  • AliAli
    edited 1:02AM
    Will this kill the cafe that set up in the arch where Woodies used to be ?
  • edited 1:02AM
    They're all the same in my book. The only good ones are ones like Monmouth, Kaffeine, that one in Dalston with the funny name, and the ones like Angelic and Flat White.

    For the sake of a few more minutes' walk, GFF does fine coffee and its way cheaper.
  • jj
    edited 1:02AM
    I'm no expert, but this isn't the first chain coffee shop in the 'hood; Puccino's (small kiosk on the way into the National Rail bit of the station) is part of a large group and AMT (also in the station) is also a chain.

    In my opinion AMT has the best coffee, better than Costa and certainly better than Starbucks. Which thankfully we don't have here.
  • edited 1:02AM
    I like AMT, they make a delicious thing called a Maya which is a bit like a mocha but creamier and with more chocolate - oh, it's scrumptious. I've never used FP overground, do you have to go through the ticket barriers to get to AMT or is it accessible to non travellers?
  • edited November 2010
    <i>is it accessible to non travellers?</i>

    Only until the barriers go up in the new year.
  • edited 1:02AM
    Speaking of damn fine coffee, is anyone watching the rerun of Twin Peaks? It started on the Horror Channel on Monday and I wonder if it's as amazing as 20 years ago (I can't get that channel and am considering buying the DVDs).
  • edited 1:02AM
    It was the only show I wasn't allowed to watch as a kid by my generally very cool parents. I don't have Horror either, but I watched the first season repeated on Five years back, and now the second is finally out on DVD, I must get round to borrowing it from one of the many friends who've got it.
  • edited 1:02AM
    I watched the entire first and second seasons at a Twin Peaks fest in a cinema in town. I left before they screened the film though, it's utter tosh.
  • edited 1:02AM
    I saw the film before any of the rest, and liked it even though I didn't have a clue what was going on. I have the spin-off diary/novel somewhere as well. Also a friend called Laura Palmer, although she just got married and took her husband's name. Spoilsport.
  • edited 1:02AM
    I got asked to do a website for a woman looking to sell Lynch's own coffee brand, Signature Cup. But I was less certain about taking that job on that the plot of Mulholland Drive. EEFFOC DOOG NMAD!
  • edited 1:02AM
    I liked the first 90 minutes of Mulholland Drive, what would have been the pilot for a new series. The 30 minutes he was contractually obliged to bolt on to wrap it up and turn it into an allegedly self-contained film...not so much.
  • edited November 2010
    I loved it. Not having a clue what's going on has never had much bearing on my enjoyment of his films. Shame it didn't become a series though. I only realised a while back that its his own band playing the music in the club scene in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. <
  • edited 1:02AM
    I loved Twin Peaks when it came out. That moment when the Bob character (who lives off human pain) creeps out towards you, I think I'd still find really creepy. I also really liked the dad character who became obsessed with moving the furniture to achieve the ultimate perfect resonance in his living room. I bet it’s dated though. I saw Eraserhead again a little while ago, and that yukky scene with the oozing baby, was still surprising fresh. I really like coffee with cream, I feel I can just taste the coffee more, and it just seems generally nicer to me than with milk. This seems a normal way to drink it in most parts of Europe, but here I have to ask for ‘an Americano with pouring cream’, to be understood, and sometimes there’s no cream, they’ve got only the whipping stuff, which doesn’t really work. I don’t get it, you get cream if you have a dinner in a restaurant. In a time long, long ago, before Starbucks, in the Kardomah Coffee Houses, (I only just remember them) cream was also available.
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  • edited 1:02AM
    Cool, despite, hair like a fright wig and a flinching face?
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  • I've only just got around to watching Twin Peaks recently. Absolutely loved it. I'm sad that I've only got two episodes (and the film) left.

    The library on Blackstock Road has the first season. Think it's £1 for a week's rental.
  • edited 1:02AM
    The film, 'Fire walk with me' is quite good. There used to be a guy who looked like Bob hanging around the top part of SGR about ten years back. I haven't seen him lately.
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