Missing Black & White male kitten(10 mths)

edited November 2010 in Local discussion
Our kitten Maximus has been missing since Friday, we are very concerned as he is only 10mths old and an indoor cat.
He is a black & white domestic shorthair, does not wear a collar and is not chipped so we are worried that he will be considered as a stray.
Pls contact me if you have seen him or if you have been looking after him, we miss him so much and have been worried out of our minds as he has always been scared of big cats ( he is small for a 10th old).
thank you


  • AliAli
    edited 8:39PM
  • edited 8:39PM
    round the back of crouch hill, we live above the shops and he got out the back window.
    we had a few texts from people saying they might have seen him near the path behind the mind shop but the kitties there look similar and have collars on.
    we reckon he might have gone down mount pleasant cresant mews (as this is where our window looks onto) and who knows where after that....
  • edited 8:39PM
    I'd go in the direction of the mews if I were a kitten.
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  • edited 8:39PM
    Yes, I was starting to wonder about foxes/various urban mythical establishments.
  • edited 8:39PM
    I often see a fox (the same one?) near Crouch Hill station, so you may be on to something @ADGS
  • edited 8:39PM
    Yep, my partner went looking at about 2am the other day and said he saw about 11 foxes!! Think the might be camping out by the rail station. Thanks for all kind messages...still no luck but am keeping my fingers crossed. Have put up some more posters in the area with a picture of him on so if you see him give me a call, number is on the posters. many thanks
  • edited 8:39PM
    I was walking a friends dog after dark a few weeks ago and while walking along Mount View Road, by the reservoir I glanced up to see the silhouettes of three foxes against the bright moonlight. It was amazing. They looked like they were about to go on patrol. Looking for babies of something.
  • edited 8:39PM
    Maximus is back! We are so pleased. Thanks for keeping an eye out for him.
  • Cats hold up against foxes. Foxes are useless cowards. My cats will chase dogs. The return of yours proves how resilient the common moggy is. Glad he's home. Xxx

    BTW did you see that vid of the cat fighting that alligator?
  • edited 8:39PM
    Someone who lives near my parents had their cat eaten by a badger, but I can't imagine that's much of a risk in Stroud Green.
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  • edited 8:39PM
    My parents have been leaving nuts out for their one - which are apparently badgers' favourite food - and it now comes right up to the house. They're heftier than you think they'll be, aren't they? Like miniature hairy rhinos.
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