Local History Talk

edited November 2010 in Local discussion
Tonight, Thursday, 18th November, 7pm

Turn Back Time: Glimpses of Old Stroud Green

This talk by noted local historian John Hinshelwood (Hornsey Historical Society),will describe how Stroud Green looked about one hundred years ago. Come and find out where Stroud Green House was and what the old Sluice House by Cream Hall looked like.

7pm to 9pm with refreshments

For further information contact:

Stroud Green Library 020 8489 8776


  • edited 4:07AM
    Darn it, we more notice about these things! Where did you see it advertised please Helen?
  • edited 4:07AM
    Oh no! I have to work tonight, otherwise I'd have been the first inthe queue.

    If anyone goes and it's any good, perhaps we could consider persuading John Hinshelwood to do another exclusively for SG.orgers?
  • edited 4:07AM
    I would definitely have gone to this if I;d had more warning. Now I have plans I can't cancel. A rerun would be great.
  • edited November 2010
    It be fabulous if those organising or in the know about such things could add them to the events calendar here. It's underused at the moment. @andy and @david On that subject, would you add next month's book club on December 9th to the calendar please.
  • edited 4:07AM
    I shall try to be there.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 4:07AM
    As a non-knitter with no plans tonight beyond Misfits (and that's not 'til 10), I may well attend this.
  • edited 4:07AM
    Join the Friends of Stroud Green Library to get plenty of advance warning about events at the library and show your support for our vital library services at the same time.

  • edited 4:07AM
  • edited 4:07AM
    Isn't it just? I thought there was only a Christmas special in the works, with no new series until next year, so was pleasantly surprised when I started seeing the bus ads. Though I worry that now we know what Nathan's power is, they'll feel obliged to work it into every episode.
  • edited 4:07AM
    My missus wants Nathan so bad that she's actually cutting my hair to look more like his. Herself. With scissors, and everything. The things I will do (or allow to be done) for a quiet life. 'Huge jungle fanny' made me laugh for a week.
  • edited 4:07AM
    I don't mean my girfriend, in case that read badly.
  • edited 4:07AM
    Why oh why didn't we know about this? My wife and I would definitely have gone...how can we contact the speaker to ask if he'll do it again?
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  • edited 4:07AM
    It was an interesting talk, some great photos (some heartbreaking for a Victorian architecture-obsessive) and a few bits and bobs I didn't already know. Full report later as I'm off to get trollied with my downstairs neighbour. Hopefully ADGS will fill you in and save me the hassle. He's doing a talk about Green Lanes soon. Why don't you ask his availability and then we can pin down a date? I should think the Stapleton would be a good venue - he was very pleased at the retun of its historical name and knows much more about the old Stroud Green drinker's club than we have heard so far.
  • edited 4:07AM
    Sorry I missed this. Would love to go to a followup.
  • edited 4:07AM
    Thursday 2 December 2010
    Stroud Green Library

    The Development of Harringay Green Lanes

    This talk will explain how the shopping centre and residential streets developed in the late Victorian age.

    Come and find out where Finsbury Park's lost eleven acres are, and what the Profumo family did for Harringay.

    For further information contact:

    Stroud Green Library 020 8489 8776
  • edited November 2010
    I love misfits too. I don't think they will build it into every episode; Simon hardly ever turns invisible. Sadly I watch on 4OD, so never have never used the character twitter feeds - are they effective/interesting?
  • edited 4:07AM
    Interesting use of the powers last night, I thought. Arkady - I hadn't seen your post until now, but was thinking as I watched last night that Nathan's hair was quite like yours!

    The drinking society stuff was interesting but that I wouldn't want to spoiler. There was a slight problem with people turning up late and then asking questions about stuff which had either already been covered, or was coming up, but an interesting talk overall. The old cinemas were especially beautiful, but apparently the loopy church is happy to allow people in for a look around, so I may head down there once I've got some unholy water for protection.

    Oh, and the historian's definition of what constituted Stroud Green was possibly the most idiosyncratic yet...
  • edited 4:07AM
    Pretty much my definition too though.
  • edited 4:07AM
    Would telling us the idiosyncratic definition spoil a potential future talk? (Or just risk reviving the debate for the nine millionth time?) My suggestion would be that going on the origins of Stroud Green, the library definitely wouldn't have made it in
  • edited November 2010
    Stroud Green Library is, or course, in Stroud Green. Where else would it be? His modern definition was the two Stroud Green conservation areas. He pointed out that the original definition was much larger and ill-defined (though still mainy east of SGR, west of which was Tollington) and included a considerable section south of Seven Sisters down Blackstock. The cutting through of the railway, Seven Sisters Rd and founding of the park created the current southern/eastern boundaries. It strikes me that the western boundary is the only extant debate.
  • edited 4:07AM
    In my mind the western boundary is my house. Do you think that Regina and Fonthill Roads would do it for the area south of Hanley?
  • edited 4:07AM
    Regina yes. Chateris yes. Fonthill no.
  • edited 4:07AM
    so does Stroud Green end at the Mount View junction along FPR?
  • edited 4:07AM
    Not in my opinion. As I’ve said before, ‘Crouch Hill’ is the hill with Crouch End on the top, and the name of the road and station on said hill. It has no shops or community centre. On that basis I reckon Mount View Road is the border between Crouch End in the west and Hornsey Vale in the east. Not that I spend a lot of time thinking about stuff like that.
  • edited 4:07AM
    If Blythwood rd is Stroud Green then all of Mount View might as well be. Discuss.
  • edited 4:07AM
    If Ferme Rd was the western border then what about Ossian, Mount Pleasant Villas? No, I reckon Crouch Hill is the western boundary, as far north as MVR. Look, you got me started on this again.
  • edited 4:07AM
    I'm still no clearer. Arkady, it sound like you're worried about being a SG-pretender all this time. I am too. I feel as though, just because I'm not on/adjacent to SG Road, that somehow I'm a second class SG citizen.
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