All purpose political thread.

edited December 2010 in Local discussion
I'm starting this thread in the (probably vain) hope that people might use it to fight their political duels, thus keeping the other threads free for general SG musings. I surely can't be the only one who's finding it rather tiresome that some people have the burning desire to express their political views on every thread?


  • edited 9:44PM
    ....but which is better, Pappagone or Porchetta?? (snigger)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 9:44PM
    Dont'cha just hate those cuts eh? B@stards.
  • edited 9:44PM
    I'm a tory (sorry). When labour came into power in 1997, i was disappointed but not surprised, but i was perfectly happy to see how some fresh blood approached issues. After 13 years, i'm able to look back and see the negatives (and also the positives that are often overlooked by my fellow blues). I have exactly the same attitude now, but the environment is different. My view is, wait and see what happens and then kick off if it all goes wrong. It's far too early to tell right now. Can't say i'm entirely comfortable with every policy thats being talked about, but i think the sentiment is right (if not the detail). As always, if you're not happy in 3.5 years, vote them out.
  • All these cuts. Interesting that self-harming has gone up since Cameron got in.
  • edited 9:44PM
    Bravo Miss A. Apologies for earlier failings in that regard. 4.5 years.
  • AliAli
    edited 9:44PM
    Россия выигрывает право на проведение в 2018 году мира в Германии!
  • edited 9:44PM
  • edited 9:44PM
    Couldn't agree more Ali but with a sport allegedly awash with bribery and corruption it was clearly best to select a host nation who are above all that. I'm sure we can count on a nice result for all concerned
  • edited 9:44PM
    I don't know why we're so upset. We should have taken the lead from our players and invested absolutely no stock in international football. You can't say they're not ahead of the curve.
  • edited 9:44PM
    @Brodiej: 5 years, for this term. You don't cut that much then get reëlected a few years later. This'll be pushed out as far as possible.
  • edited December 2010
    <>; This is all you need to know about Fifa, Blatter, Havelange, Adidas and Qatar. This thread is a good idea, by the way.
  • edited 9:44PM
    I am so glad that we don't have to suffer a second corrupt, expensive, intrusive sporting clusterfuck in a single decade which is already going to be hard enough. Now if only we could ditch the bloody Olympics as well!
  • edited 9:44PM
    "Clusterfuck".....awesome word, now uploaded into my vocabulary and ready to be used. Got a meeting this morning....lets hope the right situation comes up.
  • AliAli
    edited 9:44PM
    Glad to see Boris has cancelled the free rooms that Blatter was getting at the Dorchester during the Olympic s !
  • edited December 2010
    Good on Boris, but I'm still glad the World Cup is not happening here. If I had to put up with another 7 years of build up to some sporting event that is taking money from the arts and is an x factor smoke-screen for bad social policy I think I'd leave this country for good.
  • AliAli
    edited December 2010
    One interesting artical wriiten by a Mr M Gove whilst a jouro at the Times in 2003 <>; He must be like a pig in "shit" today
  • edited 9:44PM
    I'm watching the debate. Spotted La Featherweight scuttling out after about 20-30mins. She seems to have wrestled with her priorities though and her career came out over conscience. Doubtless she'll pop back to vote maybe she'll even speak. That would be um interesting because she is er, um a believer in um equality and er, fair things and um progressive stuff too.
  • AliAli
    edited 9:44PM
    I guess her career as an MP is now time gated by the next Election but I guess she will join Lord Clegg in the other place
  • edited 9:44PM
    Fuck's sake, I like Gove on islamism and such, but he really is dreadful on education. That article may be intended as provocation, but still totally fails to demonstrate any grasp of the concept of 'averages' - and that's even if you take it on its own terms and consider higher education as a purely financial benefit, which is pretty abhorrent.

    I do find it puzzling that people are getting so much more animated now than they did in 1998, the last time a party that had got in partly on anti-tuition fee pledges to students turned out to be mendacious scum. Not that the riots will do any more good than our rather mild-mannered marches did but still, good on them.
  • edited December 2010
    One of my favourite signs from yesterday was 'Gove F**K yourself!'. I found it difficult to disagree.
  • edited 9:44PM
    Just thought it might be useful to remind people of this thread given the discussion about Nov 5th.
  • edited 9:44PM
    @dion – I don’t really understand it to be honest. But there are serious inflationary risks, are there not? @Ali – The German economy has boomed in large part because it has been able to export to the poorer EU members without tariffs. Germany is not responsible for policy errors in those other countries, but if it wants to preserve its export opportunities it will need to underwrite those poorer states to stop them going bankrupt.
  • AliAli
    edited 9:44PM
    A bit like the Chinese will probabaly have to do
  • edited 9:44PM
    Funny because it’s true. The Chinese, like everyone else, will come to realise that we need a much stronger system of global economic regulation to prevent this sort of thing reoccurring. No-one, including the Chinese, can freeload or take advantage of the system indefinitely without negative long-term consequences for everyone, including themselves. Nor is it in a state’s long-term interests to take advantage of other state’s abuse of the system, as Germany has done with Greece et al.
  • edited 9:44PM
    We have to be wary of comparing one nation's economy to another - there are insufficient like-for-like factors for this to ever work.
    It's a favourite LibCon-ism to warn of UK becoming the next Greece or Portugal or Spain as they scaremonger about UK teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. I'd just like to ask Cameron,Clegg,Osborne how much have they reduced the deficit by and where would they like their rockets on Nov.5?
  • AliAli
    edited 9:44PM
    Gideon and co will be u- turning shortly they just haven't found a way of presenting it as if they haven't. Seems to me Scotland seems to be following the policy Darling will have with less devastating effect than those over the border. Not surprising Scotland is showing a population increase which is unusual
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