Heathrow: least worst choice?



  • edited 1:19PM
    I think it was the usual thing of promising a consultation to shut people up, without having any intention of making real changes.
  • edited 1:19PM
    Having seen miss annie's shoes, I can well imagine them being easily weaponised.
  • edited 1:19PM
    Whenever I fly nowadays, I derive a certain hollow amusement from casting an eye around the cabin and counting all the potential lethal weapons which have been allowed aboard - silk scarves, biros, that sort of thing.
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  • edited 1:19PM
    Quite, I can't imagine Miss A in trainers. Deadly heels, however...
  • edited 1:19PM
    I had chunky hummus confiscated at Stanstead too, by some 'official' who didn't even know what hummus is.

    'What's this?'




    'What is it?'

    'My lunch'

    'But what is it?'


    'What's it made from'


    'No it's not'

    'Yes it is'

    'What do you do with it'

    'Eat it. For lunch'

    'Why are chick peas like this'

    'Because it's hummus. Look, here are the carrots to go with it'

    'You eat this?'


    'It's liquid'

    'It's not. You can't drink it, you eat it. It's a dip. Look, turn it upside down and it doesn't spill'

    'You can't take it with you'

    'You're going to confiscate my lunch?'

    'Yes. It's liquid'

    'It's not. Can I keep my carrots? Or do you want those to go with the hummus later?'

    'Carrots aren't liquid'
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  • edited 1:19PM
    That's hilarious! It goes to show, any terrorist with half a brain wouldn't have to try very hard to get through security if they were at all determined - just so long as they weren't using humus as their weapon of choice.
  • edited 1:19PM
    I can well believe all these tales of knuckleheadedness, but a friend of mind going to the States had the opposite problem when he took no luggage, and loads of money. "I'm rich, I'll just buy stuff when I get there" was his explanation. You'd think that given they like to confiscate anything you are carrying, they'd approve of that sort of behaviour. But no, he got held up too.
  • edited 1:19PM
    I've been stopped in the States on the same basis. Which would make sense if i was getting on the plane without anything, but getting off?

    It's absurd anyway. Any terrorist who wanted to kill people and disrupt flights would just set a bomb off in the security queue.
  • edited 1:19PM
    I got stopped at an airport, which I can't remember, and this paraphrased encounter ensued:

    Is this your bag sir?


    Have you got anything sharp in your bag sir?


    Nothing that could be like one of these items? (Hands me card with objects ranging from deadly tweezers to an axe)

    Nope (mildly disinterested)

    Did you pack your bag yourself?


    And nobody could have put anything in there?

    Nope. (getting bored now)

    And you don't have anything sharp?


    Do you mind if I take a look?

    Of course,

    Is this yours sir? (Pulls out steak knife)

    Ah, I'd completely forgotten we had a picnic. Sorry.
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