Royal Wedding Road Closures

Regina (Hanley Road end) confirmed.
Lorne still to be decided by Harringey( 3 Feb).
Tollington Park: two options: (still up for agreement due to police concerns about cars and hair)
a) between St Marks and St Meltius
b) Regina Rd end to Wray Cres

Watch this space.

It is a friday, by the way.


  • edited 7:24AM
    Long live democracy, down with monarchy.
  • edited 7:24AM
    I am totally opposed to Lorne Road being closed for this farrago. I'm going to hire a car and assert my right to drive through and park outside my house. Street parties are a wonderful idea but they should be reserved for genuinely inclusive occasions.

    Who on earth in Lorne Road has suggested this nonsense?
  • edited 7:24AM
    And who is making the decision on Feb 3rd - why haven't I heard about this? Is it true?
  • edited 7:24AM
    Police concerns about hair?
  • edited January 2011
    Lads!! (I’m assuming you are male given your whiskery comments – forgive me if not ladies!). Lads, PLEASE - ‘chill out’ (!).

    The event is only 9 weeks away and so decisions need to be made quickly given Health and Safety and funding considerations. We will be at the Civic Centre in Wood Green on 3 Feb with residents Joyce and Hassan to support the proposal which is also championed by an ex ward Cllr who lives a stone’s throw away. You are welcome to express a different view at the meeting (sorry I don’t know the room number and there won’t be sandwiches according to the email – the cuts are biting, obviously).

    If you think about it, Lorne Road is perfect - given its central position and the fact the pizza restaurant opposite in SGR is offering free ‘red white and blue’ pizzas in a patriotic gesture. (tomatoes, blue cheese and mozzarella – a bit cheesy for my taste but if it’s free I’ll try it!) . And given it is named after Lorne Green it should surely have a bigger profile?

    As to cars, don’t worry. Any remaining vehicles will be removed on Thursday night and put back on Monday morning. Leaflets are on the way about this. The best thing would be to park elsewhere on that weekend to avoid any problems. That’s what Joyce is doing.

    I won’t comment on the patriotism (or lack of it) in some of these responses, but I would ask you to think of children who love these events (put a tail on the donkey etc) and are very happy to salute their future defender of the faith, head of state, friend of David Beckham etc.

    I DO recognise there are different views on these events. I really do. So on the Olympics please get your views in to ward Cllrs early as the prospect of significant street closures for extended festival durations is a certainly .(Lorne Road a particular target – the pizza plan is innovative to say the least).
  • edited 7:24AM
    just seen on the Islington website the date for finalising Regina Road and Tollington Park party plans is 10 Feb, so not long.
  • edited 7:24AM
    God save you Rubsnif, I'd invite you over to my house if it gets too bad. Will they be doing Greek or German food?
  • edited 7:24AM
    Oh my God, I think I am going to throw up.......I will certainly be going away..........only sorry I can't leave the country. Taff Bach, what are the prospects of a weekend in Wales?
  • edited January 2011
  • edited 7:24AM
    A word to the wise, Tom. Questioning the patriotism, or indeed any element of the motivation of those who think the monarch outdated, unnecessary and stupid, is not going to help you or the celebrations you're trying to promote.
  • AliAli
    edited 7:24AM
    Oh well it will be a right Bonanza then
  • edited 7:24AM
    @WillM, I don't think there's anything wrong with Tom's post. I think a lot of the sentiments on the upcoming celebrations have been very one sided and a little on the "Bah Humbug" side and frankly a little depressing. I can't say I have strong opinions of Royalism or Republicanism, but I'm proud of our heritage and I'm chuffed that the two of them are getting married. I think such a reason to celebrate, where their is little real reason to offend any quarters of society would be one to embrace. Threatening to leave the country because the grandson of our head of state is getting married seems a little childish, sitting in the corner with your arms folded-attention seeking to me.
  • edited 7:24AM
    Too right.

    God Save the Queen!
  • edited 7:24AM
    Saying someone who isn't a Royalist isn't a patriot is faintly insulting, at least to my ear.
  • edited 7:24AM
    ok my link didnt work!
  • edited 7:24AM
    @thomas - put the link inside brackets like this < > and make sure you've chosen the 'markdown' button where you have a choice to 'format comments as'.
  • edited 7:24AM
    Cheers Andy. Still doesnt seem to work though - think the link must be too long. Type local postcode into here though to see our forebearers having some Coronation fun on Thorpedale Road <>;
  • edited 7:24AM
    Thomas (good name by the way_...)
    Thanks. That is a lovely picture and shows exactly what we are trying to achieve with the 2011 event. I wonder if there are any 1953 residents still living there? Vivat Regina (Road) etc.
  • edited 7:24AM
    Great site, Thomas - thanks!
  • edited 7:24AM
    I don't understand people poo pooing the royal wedding. What is the point in complaining about getting a day off work and being invited to a big party where there will be beer, and possibly a cake.
  • edited 7:24AM
    It's trendy to hate the Royal Family didn't you know?
  • edited 7:24AM
    Dismissing any opinion on the grounds that people are only holding it to be trendy/edgy/ironic is one of the most vacuous rhetorical tactics going.
  • edited 7:24AM
    I agree with ADGS's post on the other Royal wedding thread. I don't hate the Royal family, I just wish that they would be more like the Kings and Queens in olden times - going publicly bonkers, fighting duels, excercising their right to droit de seigneur all over the place and rampaging around shouting 'off with their heads'. Preferably dressed in enormous frocks or doublet and hose. My ideal would be something like the Princes in Stardust and the Red Queen in Alice. The modern European style of Royalty bores me rigid.
  • edited 7:24AM
    Although Harry has potential in that direction. And I'm sure the duke of Edinburgh has shouted 'off with their heads' on more than one occasion. But alas, nobody ever listens to him. I agree the couple have more of a breakfast telly kind of charm.
  • edited 7:24AM
    When I said "heritage" I implied "Royal". Nobody said anything about patriotism. In fact I was careful not to use that particular word, given its connotations. So no need to be so touchy.
  • edited 7:24AM
    The idea of 'pride' in one's 'heritage' instantly raises my hackles. Slave trading was part of our heritage too. Being proud of the concept of hereditary priviledge on the basis that it's being going on here for ages strikes me as exactly the antithesis of a rational reaction.
  • edited 7:24AM
    Rather a generalist comment Arkady. if you take slave trade as an example, the British actually pioneered the outlawing of the slavery trade and it had been going on in far more advanced cultures centuries before it worked its way into common practice here. So the effort of Wilberforce and like are something to be proud of, no? As for the Royal family compared to other heads of state? Russia, France, Italy, Greece, Ireland??? I'd take ours any day of the week.
  • edited 7:24AM
    We can be proud of the abolition of slavery, yes. We should also be proud of abolishing the monarchy, and ashamed at letting it back in again. Proud of having subsequently contained it, but still ashamed of its continued symbolising of class and hereditary privilege. It not being as bad as other monarchies doesn't stop it being bad. Our fascist movement wasn't as bad as others' either.
  • edited 7:24AM
    It "not being as bad as other monarchies" isn't nearly accurate. You could argue that the British monarchy is one of the most successful and valuable monarchies of the modern times. Notwithstanding the success in conflict, there's the commonwealth and the value to tourism that's unrivaled by any other working head of state on earth. In political terms they're about useful as Neil Kinnock, but I don't doubt for a second that a President wouldn't be as equally expensive on the public purse; just with a little less gold and velvet.
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