Sky Sports/Benny Hill/Lorne Road – debate?

We all love Sky Sports don’t we?. And my footy mad youngsters are in tears at the moment. They are passionate fans of the sadly sacked ‘sexist’ duo currently being ‘roasted’ by the stupid PC media. Can life get any worse? What, I hear you asking over you hairy pint in WLM, what happened to harmless banter??!! My brother in law is a very intelligent vet (he’s half Chinese actually) and he loves Benny Hill (even the dodgy ‘velly fullny’ oriental character). We learnt on boxing day that one episode of the famous Benny Hill chase was filmed in Lorne Road (about 1977). The luscious‘Hill’s Angel’s then were filmed running on to Finsbury Park – which in those days was a virtual drug den before it got ruined by the yummie mummies. Anyway for a laugh we renacted the classic chase with Dorcas in a 1970s bra and Chang as Benny. It certainly worked a few mince pies off our fat arses. The kids were in stitches and now are in tears.

Any thoughts on this shocker? (but please leave Cromwell, Vic Feather and Enoch out of it ).


  • edited January 2011
    Just been watching the game. The gossip (as reported as fact by the ever-reliable Sky Sports) is that Spurs will withdraw their bid for the Stratford stadium which is a bit of a hammer blow, eh? We are poised for a party when the result is announced. Keep tuning into Sky.
  • edited 8:31PM
    I think the difference between "harmless banter" and being a stupid wanker is pretty obvious usually. But then again I never found Benny Hill that funny.
  • edited January 2011
    I accept humour is very subjective, but most people liked Benny Hill and in other parts of the world (not in the UK I admit) he is considered a genius like Chaplin. if you Google it you will find a picture of him with Michael Jackson who visited him in hospital in Southamption while on his 'Dangerous World Tour'.

    Can you please classify the following side splitters in the following way
    a) comedy gold - will last forever and I want all the DVDs
    b) I love it and always laugh out loud but I don't want any recordings
    c) Not really fussed, but unlikely to turn it off it it comes on UK Gold
    d) Dated and not as funny as some people think
    e) Unfunny and almost objectionable - should not be shown on national TV
    f) wouldn't choose to watch any of them except perhaps on pain of death. (NEW OPTION)

    1) The Benny Hill Show
    2) Mind Your Language
    3) Steptoe and Son
    4) On the Busses
    5) Man About the House
    6) Miranda
    7) James Corden in the remake of Bless This House
    8) Yus My Dear (More 4 remake with Reggie Yates)
  • edited 8:31PM
    Benny Hill and Michael Jackson... Pretty sure that supports my case.

    As to the rest: wouldn't choose to watch any of them except perhaps on pain of death.
  • edited 8:31PM
    Well (!) that's an 'extreme' response to some real chortle-fest faves, but fair play to you for boldness, Siolae. I hestitate to ask if you have booked for Roy 'Chubby' Brown on the bank holiday at Rowan's in FP (not my cup of tea either to be frank; that costume is very dated).

    I have added your personal criteria to the poll above, but I'm hoping (faint hope, I know around, here!) that this crock of comedy gold will bring a shine to to the assembled crowds on this site once all the result have been analysed.
  • AliAli
    edited 8:31PM
    TT for a man from Tollington you seem to know an awful lot about Lorne Road ?
  • edited 8:31PM
    I know, it's a burden, but I carry it lightly. It might be the cultural legacy of the street, the can-do attitude of some of the residents (especially Hassan and Joyce who are local firecrackers) plus if you look into it, the Twitter feeds about Lorne Road are sometimes overwhelming. It's a place many would like to live and the prices there (rentals as well as sales), are 10% higher than in connecting streets. I'm loyal to Tollington though despite the bright lights and dark corners of Lorne Road..
  • edited 8:31PM
    Well if we are talking comedy gold:
    1) Soap
    2) Fawlty Towers
    3) MASH
    4) The Dave Allen Show
    6) Blackadder
    7) Roseanne
    8) The Thick of It
    9) Father Ted
    10) Buzzcocks

    all of whom kick Benny Hill's ass. (and Chubby Brown's as well)
  • edited 8:31PM
    3) and 8) I agree with , but surely you would like to see again Love Thy Neighbour and Get Some In?

    Ps the new Park Theatre, Wells Terrace, are doing in their first season a musical of Man About the House - could be good; I always used to fancy Sally Tomset.
  • edited 8:31PM
    ps the correct spelling (and I had to say this to my youngest last week) is ARSE
  • edited 8:31PM
    you're kinda assuming Siolae's not referring to benny hill's donkey, aren't you.
  • edited January 2011
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