Shops in SG: Are Standards Falling?

Walking down SGR today I was depressed not only at the number of closed or closing shops but the general grubbiness of some of them. Maybe these places exist on the breadline, but I would hope this neighbourhood (including pulsating luxury enclaves like Lorne Road) would support a slightly stronger retail eco system. Hammocked between an admittedly strong collection of wig shops at FP and the sterile Sainsbury's at the other, there aint a huge amount to ring the bell for is there?.

What happend to that funny fabric shop which specialised in organic nylon? The wonderful quirky hardware shop run by the Jamacian chap who would happily sell you a nail for 3p and was addicted to Radio 3? Yes, Ok, Doreen's Hair fashions is great, but face it - compared to Victors in Tollington Park (even the dreaded Chaps and Dames) it is not going to attract the really trendy crowds we need to tempt to this post code. Agree?

The subtext here is that Tollington Park is booming - Nandos (very international), Vitors (say no more), the Front Room (over priced bacon sarnies, but good lookin staff who will ALWAYS oblige in any way), the Indian place with spectacular Elvis nights (ditto - VERY OBLIGING) etc, etc . C'mon admit it. it's almost like the King's Road. SGR is going to the dogs which is shameful. I hope that new Turkish place works, and we will be there in force on the opening date with my brother in law who is a vet.

ps the snow white dry cleaners is an exception that proves the rule


  • edited 1:55PM
    Even if it means boarded up shops/cafes/bars I'd prefer a less polished Stroud Green Road. I remember that hardware store and the lovely man who ran it. On a positive note most of the very individual stores remain. I hope Tollington road gives SGR a run for its money. SGR has always been a healthy mix of residential houses, small shops and interesting restaurants.
  • edited 1:55PM
    And raucous, late night drinking establishments. Tollington Park has only about a dozen commercial lets and they are pretty much all hairdressers!
  • edited 1:55PM
    I think that someone has set TT a task/dare to mention his brother-in-law The Vet and Vitor in every thread.

    Just an observation like. But I'm not sure if it's very sweet or a just a teensy bit boring.
  • edited 1:55PM
    I wouldn't mind if it was funny.
  • edited 1:55PM
    Aww don't be so mean.

    I think TT is a breath of fresh air and it's nice to have someone being so supportive of the local area when lots of shops are struggling to keep open at the moment. It's nice to have someone cheering them on.
  • FinFin
    edited February 2011
    I find it sligthly frustrating that at least half of all new establishments which open in Stroud Green fit into one of two categories: hair/beauty or Turkish owned/themed cafe or restaurant.

    While some are very welcome, Vitor certainly and I hope the new Turkish place finally gives the area a Green Lane quality kebab place, couldn't we do with a little more variety?

    Where's the next Front Room? Seeems odd that the area's business people don't look at the success of the Front Room, Season and the like and try that, rather another (and another...) Nail bar or Turkish Cafe. Why can't the area consistently attract a more diverse group of entrepreneurs and retailers?
  • edited 1:55PM
    "good lookin staff who will ALWAYS oblige in any way" makes it sound like the Front Room is a knocking shop.
  • edited 1:55PM
    I think that that's what he was intending, TT's posts often sound like they were written in the 1970's. Some of them have a very 'Carry On' tone.
  • edited 1:55PM
    You reckon? I would have thought he'd get more innuendo out of Vitor's if so. Something for the weekend, sir, or just a little off the top?
  • edited 1:55PM
    Fin, I do agree that variety is important. I think there's enough when it comes to restaurants. I don't eat out that much so there's enough here to keep me going. I haven't been to some of them. I think the variety of pubs and bars is quite good too. Annie, I do agree there's a place for late night bars (as long as they're respectful of the many neighbours around them).

    I think rather than more bars and restaurants, we could do with more types of shops. A good dvd rental shop with more than just blockbusters to choose from would be very welcome. An indie cinema, and even a good fringe theatre/art space might be a welcome addition. From what I've seen on another thread, there might be one coming soon.
  • edited 1:55PM
    A dvd rental shop? You are joking. How about some more payphones, a shop where you can buy a Sega Megadrive and somewhere to develop my photos?
  • edited February 2011
    Yes, you can go in, select a dvd and then take it home and play on your dvd player. I guess downloading and postal rental is more common now, but many places in London have dvd stores, especially concentrating on the non-Hollywoood genre.

    Sparks already develop photos. I'm not sure about Sega-megadrive as I've never been a gamer.

    Out of interest, does anyone still use paypones?
  • KazKaz
    edited 1:55PM
    I agree that SG road is looking a bit miserable at the moment, Dudley's shut, Miso's shut, I don't know what's going on with the fabric place... And lots of places seem to be emptier than usual.

    Hoping it's just a phase, nothing worse than a high street with lots of boarded up shops! (Well, I'm sure there is, but you know what I mean.)

    Not convinced that Tollington Park is "booming" though...

    @Kreuzkav:The library has got a good selection of dvd's, lots of foreign ones at a quid for a week's rental. You can even suggest titles for them to get in. Re payphones: No.
  • edited 1:55PM
    Why not go for a niche retro high street? Our Price records alongside the video rental shop. And maybe one of those TV rental shops that looked like they were from another era even when they were still around. Going by that recent documentary with Lionel Blair, it would make us all feel younger and full of energy.
  • edited February 2011
    Our price was never much good. I always preferred the likes of Sister Ray or Selectadisc on Berwick Street. A retro-vinyl store might be interesting but I doubt they'd get much business.

    I do need to start going to the libraries again. I haven't done so since I returned to London last year. However, even though you can get many dvd titles at them, I would prefer the convenience and the aesthetic of a quality dvd rental place nearer to me. They have existed in places like Stoke Newington for ages. I think a lot of people still watch film on dvd rather than online. However, their days are probably limited.
  • edited 1:55PM
    I think some people use the Upper Tollington payphone by the zebra crossing to order drugs.
  • edited 1:55PM
    Netflix (the US post-to-rent and online streaming company) currently accounts for 20% of evening Internet traffic. Amazon does rentals and will be launching streaming soon. Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy last year. If opening a DVD rental shop isn't the very definition of commercial suicide, I'm not sure what is. Like it or loathe it, there's a reason there aren't record shops anymore.
  • edited 1:55PM
    I think the aesthetic of Hornsey Library DVD section is pretty good actually and I'm quite fussy about which fusty municipal buildings I go into. I'd like something like a 'Bill's' on SGR, there's one in Brighton, kind of all day deli/cafe place that also does a really good selection of vegetables, but is also friendly. I tend to go to Crouch End to get vegetables, but I'd rather do that more locally. I think if Woody's had gone more in that direction it would have done far better.
  • edited February 2011
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 1:55PM
    I presume Amazon will, in the UK at least, be folding its rentals/streaming into the Lovefilm brand, given they've just bought that and it's the dominant player in the UK market. I think there is still a place for the occasional DVD rental/sale shop, but only in posh or hipster areas (I'm thinking of boutique places like the one on Liverpool Road, which seems to do fairly good trade).
  • edited 1:55PM
    I noticed the sofas in the caff up by WLM (well, a bit further up but I assume it's the same one?). I used to go there a fair bit and didn't find the regulars too scary, but stopped going as it made my clothes reek of fried food. Even moreso than yer regular greasy spoon. I'd be willing to give it another go though.
  • edited 1:55PM
    I would like to see...

    1. A Wimpey restaurant
    2. Spud U Like
    3. Beejam
    4. Blockbuster that only does VHS and betamax
    5. Fosters Menswear
    6. Mr Buyrite
    7. Somewhere that sells pens, paper and envelopes
    8. Gateway supermarket
    9. Rover dealership
    10. Ratners
  • edited 1:55PM
    I love Wimpey! I would like: A place to top up my Oyster card. A gift shop that only sells SG merchandise - I heart N4 gubbins, snowglobes with minature topiary elephants inside and wine made from grapes picked in the SG vineyard etc. Dunn's
  • edited 1:55PM
    @Brodiej - definitely a woolworths
  • Does anyone recall Lord John outfitters? Or John Collier ('the window to watch'). There's no style on the highstreet anymore (Vitor's customers excepted).
  • edited 1:55PM
    @misscara I should go over the hill a bit more. I forgot about the vinyl store opposite the Haringey Arms. I haven't bought vinyl for ages but was thinking of resurrecting an old deck and connecting it to my system. Another late bar would be welcome if located down the street. It might take the heat off the few that are here.

    @ADGS I agree that it seems like thriving DVD stores are generally located in hipster areas - Broadway Market or posh areas- Liverpool Road. It's only a dream .....

    I'm fairly happy with what we have here. Enough good but reasonably priced restaurants. Good pubs especially The Faltering Fallback and The Old Dairy. A good cafe and a few varied shops would be welcome though!
  • edited 1:55PM
    @brodiej - can we also have:

    Chelsea Girl
    Cannon cinema
    Traditional travel agency
  • edited February 2011
    Opium den Workhouse Cock pit
  • edited 1:55PM
    @ Jenowl. C&A and Kwiksave :-)

    Come on folks, what this area really needs is a Lunn Poly! For all your shit holiday needs.

    @ Pie Eater. If we're in the DIY game, lets bring in some competition from Texas Homecare. Texas Tom now lives in Tollington btw.
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