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Can any one recommend a good local scrubber?

edited February 2011 in Local discussion
Cleanliness is next to Godliness as we heard at St Marks this week. So I took Dorcas to task on the state of our front step. What happens there at night I shudder to think, even the local cats won’t go near it. Clive our neighbout had pointed it out too, which was very nice of him . Dorcas had views too. Her retort to me was immediate and volcanic, accusing me of being a Victorian patriarch (I had to look that one up). Then she said - with a raised eyebrow - if I gave her adequate tools she would do the job. Well, it turns out all the brushes are in a right state so I agreed, in order to keep the peace and improve the Tollingtons’ household hygiene, to go an get some new ones with Baby Toll in tow. (A set of new brushes could be part of her valentine’s gift I thought). First stop was our old friends MAH Bros (just down from Vitor’s) and there were certainly a wide selection. But (and you might find this odd) I thought they were too cheap and would not last long. Nylon can be iffy. So I bought a few cans of malt drink and moved on.

Since this morning have looked in vain for a decent scrubber in SGR and have drawn a miserable blank. I fear I will have to get the credit card and go to Homebase in Green Lanes (aka third circle of Hell unless you have any suggestions?



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