Roses are red, violets are blue, Stroud Green stinks and so do you...

edited February 2011 in Local discussion
This was what I nearly sang to myself as I hunted high and low today for red roses to get ready for Dorcas for the 14th. Yes I know it’s a while away but I like to be prepared as last year I left it too late and ended up getting her a gift of household items (brushes etc) which she told me in no uncertain terms were not very romantic.

Hence my search around the shops: ‘be prepared’ is my motto. Not much around, I must say. There is that place near the post office which is indeed festooned with hearts, balloons and slightly mangy teddies wearing ‘ I heart u’ shirts’ . But I would hesitate to call it a florist. Tescos has a few daffs, but that’s it.

I booked a trim on the 13th in Vitors so I will look my best, and I sat sitting and pondered my floral dilemma in the wind.

My brother in law Chang is coming down with his girlfriend on valentine’s night and he offered to get me some red roses from Highgate where he lives. But I’m sure that will be very expensive. Yes, he can afford it (he’s a vet) but I really can’t at the moment as I have already put money down for a new cooker and made a rather rash contribution to the new mural near MAH Bros (I have yet to tell Dorcas about that...).

And, more to the point, I feel sure I can get some very good blooms at a reasonable price locally. But can I...?


  • edited 8:45PM
    I think that hat makes you look a bit like Belinda Carlisle. I'm not saying thats a bad thing, mind.
  • edited 8:45PM
    If you pop some soluble aspirin in the water that the roses are standing in they should last 'til the fourteenth.
  • edited February 2011
    thanks that's a useful suggestion. Are you still running those night time tours for tourists?
  • edited February 2011
    Edit: Now I've had to edit too, as without your previous reference to Heaven being a place on earth my post made no sense..
  • edited 8:45PM
    Pop is also good- although you should stick to lemonade as the colouring in other flavours will end up in the flowers, which makes them look strange.
  • edited 8:45PM
    As well as crisps, i also buy flowers. My flower supplier went bust on Friday. They supply the mults and a lot of everyone else. Flowers in theory will be hard to come by this valentines. The cause....awful, awful weather for 2 years (not for growing, but for delivering), rising fuel prices, and last but not least (unconfirmed and only alledged)....a major national retailer that decided they wouldn't buy all that stock they were contracted to buy in December because of the snow. Nice one guys....another one bites the dust.
  • edited 8:45PM
    TollingtonTom, if you're looking to save money I'd suggest celebrating Valentine's on 15th February instead of the 14th. You can always find loads of reduced red roses. Last year Tesco were selling them off for less than a fiver.
  • edited February 2011
    Well these are austerity times, so that's not a bad idea! But I fear I'll take another rolling pin bashing from Dorcas not to mention show off Chang getting all superiour. Mind you, a's quite tempting
  • RegReg
    edited 8:45PM
    Spoke to a florist last week. Their roses go from £4.50 a stem to £9.50 a stem on Valentines. Apparently its the 'suppliers'. Damn 'the man'.
  • edited 8:45PM
    How about buying a rose bush instead? Are they available at this time of year?
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