Power cut , low-light of the evening

edited February 2011 in Local discussion
Danger! high voltage!!
Eastern electric aware of power interruption in mid-east area (oakfield road-y). It's like pwoper olde London, with lamplights and shadowy figures stalking the weak.

Likely related to the Eastern Electric engineers digging up Endymion Road this afternoon.

Can someone tell me how 'Tristram Shandy' ends? Can't read by iPhone.


  • edited February 2011
  • Nnnng! I saw the film. And isn't there a graphic novel? Where do you start with these things? The original book, or what? Do you have to have listened to all the ABBA albums to appreciate Mama Mia? Can I get away with Warhol without having eaten the soup?
  • edited 3:07PM
    In this case, the book, for sure (though the film is excellent and I'm told the comic is a lot less pointless than most such adaptations). How does it end? Well, you know the phrase 'shaggy dog story'...

    I hate the way Abba have been turned into a hen night lark.
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