edited March 2011 in Local discussion
There is some friendly match at the Emirates on Sunday 27 which means that parking restrictions will be in force. Brazil vs Scotland. On the arsenal fixtures website it is hidden at the bottom so it is not very visible. Have been stung by this before so thought I would warn you all on both sides of the border just in case you have a car or friends visiting. <>; Haringey and Islington are evil rant rant 1984 rant etc etc ad nauseum


  • edited 3:02PM
    dion is anagram for "no id"

    islington council fined someone for parking locally to stroud green when there was no arsenal first team game happening at emirates and no international - just a youth game or womens football or something . the parking sign in the street says you have to phone a phone number to find out if you will be fined if you park. but if its the summer and you know arsenal first team aren't playing - thats when islington council cash in and make some money as people assume they wont be fined.

    article in islington tribune about how islington council under pay bin men by employing agency staff who pay binmen low wages.shocker.

    scotland v brazil - i wonder who will win that one?

    carry on
  • edited 3:02PM
    Thanks for this, Dion. I hate the way their website assumes you actually care about the poxy team and so hides stuff like this. Could there not be a simple page on it for locals who just want to know whether they're going to have to deal with parking restrictions and streets full of aggressive morons?
  • edited 3:02PM
    Do the councils not already do this? After all, they do go to the trouble of printing those special boards that attach to the CPZ signs saying the date of the next game. If they go to that trouble and cost I'd be surprised if they didn't just stick the dates on a website.
  • edited 3:02PM
    OK I've just checked on Haringey's website and of course they don't. They just have a link to Arsenal's home page. What's more, there doesn't seem to be a list of Finsbury Park events, when parking restrictions apply too.
  • edited 3:02PM
    I agree, thanks for posting, we should start a campaign to get Haringey to list these dates.
  • edited 3:02PM
    I like the way that my iPhone's browser history displays this thread as ''
  • RoyRoy
    edited 3:02PM
    I believe that Islington enforces the parking restrictions for some youth games (and possibly some women's games?) depending on expected attendance. I read that Hackney have now decided to do the same as they were suffering from displacement parking. I don't know if Haringey restrictions apply to non-first-team events yet, but if not it must surely be just a matter of time, as the Hackney decision will just displace more parking to Haringey. And of course at least in Haringey the restrictions apply to events at Finsbury Park as well as events at Emirates (does that apply to the other boroughs too?) The complete lack of any useful information on the web from any of the three boroughs is quite annoying - I really think the three boroughs should get together and set up a joint web site that clearly shows forthcoming events and which CPZs they affect. -roy
  • edited 3:02PM
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  • edited 3:02PM
    @misscara - does that tell you when Brazil are playing at the Emirates too? Or any other 'event' which has an impace on parking restrictions?
  • AliAli
    edited 3:02PM
    Sounds like the councils should run an e-mail warning service ! Councillors ??
  • edited March 2011
    What, and do themselves out of the money they can rake in by fining people parking miles from a privately owned and operated sports venue which appears to have a slack remit to inform residents of their private events? Surely Arsenal should be footing the bill to change the parking restriction signs (with the little flip-down flap) every time they have a match rather than the Council (ISL or HGY) wasting resources doing their job for them. Plus not everyone has email.
  • edited 3:02PM
    If you use the add-to-calendar [link]( on the fixtures site you can set your calendar programme to notify you in advance. The link also allows you to specify which events you want to be notified of. On other news, does anybody know where I can get Constant Comment tea?
  • edited 3:02PM
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  • RoyRoy
    edited 3:02PM
    @dion: yes, they sent a message to the mailing list about Scotland v Brazil a month ago. I expect it doesn't include 'events' though. -roy
  • edited 3:02PM
    There is always a huge poster at the entrance to FP tube (Wells Terrace and the Overground entrance) that lists all upcoming fixtures at the Emirates, including those that don't feature Arsenal. It's updated every few weeks.
  • edited 3:02PM
    Arsenal have been in the area longer than most residents (since 1913), so it's difficult to complain too much about them disrupting things.

    However, while that's fine for home games on a Saturday and the odd Sunday and midweek fixture, if they want to prostitute themselves to the TV monster and play more games on Sundays there's a very good argument that they should start picking up the tab for our visitor vouchers.

    And if they want to pimp out their stadium to all and sundry, including that well known North London side Brazil, they should definitely be issuing free all day parking vouchers to residents and picking up the tab for any local caught out by parking wardens on those days.
  • edited 3:02PM
    Hopefully they are re-opening the attractive old entrance at Hi&I on the opposite side of Holloway Rd to the main station building. That’s been rumoured for years. Glad to see they’re spending some money on Drayton Park station, though it will be largely wasted until they run trains there at the weekend.
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