Mugging on Florence Road, near Upper Tollington Park.

edited March 2011 in Local discussion
I just want to communicate what my partner witnessed today on the corner of Woodstock / Florence Road with Upper Tollington Park. At around 5:30pm my partner saw a guy running towards Florence Road with a woman's bag, followed by another guy who seemed to be looking attentively behind whilst they ran. Seconds later, a man and a woman appeared, running after the two guys who they said, had stolen her bag. My partner pointed to where they had gone but we don't know what happened afterwards. The first guy running with the bag as black, in his late teens, early twenties, wearing a hooded sweatshirt and jeans; the second had middle eastern features, was wearing a woolie hat, a sweat shirt and jeans. Everything happened so fast that it was difficult to get more details.


  • RoyRoy
    edited 4:15PM
    Clearly quite disturbing that things like this happen during the daytime around here, but I would suggest you report the above information to the local police or to Crimestoppers, if you haven't already -roy
  • edited 4:15PM
    Thanks Roy,
    It has just been reported to our local Neighbourhood Watch. We do have to be attentive though because it seems muggings have been occuring frequently in the area.
  • RoyRoy
    edited 4:15PM
    Sadly these things do happen. My first reaction was to worry that this area isn't safe to walk around, but then I reminded myself that if it wasn't for this site I'd be completely unaware of this (and other) incidents. -roy
  • AliAli
    edited 4:15PM
    seems to have been approx 4 or 5 robberies within about 200m of this spot during February < N4, UK#crimetypes&gt; Looks to be a little hot spot around UTP, Woodstock/Oxford Rds during Dec there were 4, Jan only 1 and in Feb there are the 4 mentioned above. I know it is not terrifically accurate on location but does give an indication On the Met Crime map we have average crime for the area in which I assume it is average crime compared to London as a whole. Think we need some hidden cameras up as I guess it will probably be the same people and this will go away once they are caught. UTP also seems to get a fair number of burglary as well
  • edited 4:15PM
    Forget cameras. I vote for lynch mobs, baseball bats and the stocks. There does appear to be a recent pattern. I wonder if this is a latent response to the recession. I'd be interested to find out if there is a response from the SNT on the subject.
  • edited 4:15PM
    I'm new to this board, nice to meet you all.

    I have lived in FP for 4 years now and I have to agree that there seems to been more muggings in the area lately.

    My flatmate (a girl, late twenties, about 5ft 3") got mugged in February on the corner of Tollington Park and Hornsey Rd by a black teen who walked past her then circled round, punched her in the back of the head and while she was on the ground nicked her bag. This was done at about 8pm on a Saturday with people standing outside the Plough pub who did nothing.

    The police were really good and drove round searching for the guy but had no luck in finding the culprit.

    Just thought I'd let you know just be a bit more vigilant.
  • AliAli
    edited 4:15PM
  • AliAli
    edited 4:15PM
    and Daisy you really should credit where you got the story from !
  • edited 4:15PM
    We should block the Archant servers for a week and see what gets published.
  • RoyRoy
    edited 4:15PM
    Out of curiosity, is the Hornsey Journal a paper publication, too, or just online? I ask only because I only just discovered that the Camden New Journal is a free paper as well as a website. -roy
  • edited 4:15PM
    Andy: surely that would only work if the hacks have all answered the 'what 'phone' poll too and all have bricks...
  • edited 4:15PM
    it's pretty clear what the archant IP address is.
  • AliAli
    edited 4:15PM
    Daisy thanks for confirming that you did get some of the story from here. I am sure the police probably gave you the hard facts but it is pretty obvious that the “fluffy” part of the story came from here. Eg “The Metropolitan Police’s crime maps reveal that there have been six reported muggings in and around the street in February - the most recent figures available” I think you will find that statement is factually incorrect as the Met map doesn’t show near locations of the crimes only overview info. It is the Police National site (ie the url I posted)that shows the detail. So in summary Met map shows “average” crime, the Police site shows numbers and near to actual location.
  • edited 4:15PM
    Why doesn't the Hornsey Journal give us hard-hitting news like [this](
  • RoyRoy
    edited 4:15PM
    The met map does show subward data if you select it. May well be slightly less precise that the national site but at least the boundaries of the area area clear.
  • AliAli
    edited 4:15PM
    It doesn’t have numbers unless I missed something ?
  • edited 4:15PM
    @djmattyoung the people outside the Plough wouldn't put their pints down long enough to cross the road if it was their granny being mugged...unless it was for a share of the profits
  • edited 4:15PM
    Not sure if this is the right place - but there seemed to be a fairly nasty mugging somewhere near our house last night in Moray Rd. Heard a girl screaming and checked and already lots of people outside - looked like someone was trying to chase a bloke - someone was saying it was quite a violent mugging, so thought I should mention.
  • AliAli
    edited 4:15PM
    seems like some thugs who have been mugging around here have been removed form the streets for a while <>; seems like they are serial offenders
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