Silver Bullet

edited April 2011 in Local discussion
Can you please sweep up the broken glass that is on the cycle path outside your establishment? There was also an abandoned glass there this morning. I haven’t got a puncture yet but I am sure someone will soon


  • edited 12:19AM
    Did you call the Police?
  • edited 12:19AM
    Just phone them up and tell them?
  • edited 12:19AM
    On one hand, phoning or emailing them might be easier. On the other there would no traffic on this board if it wasn't for vague and indirect passive aggressive complaints to local businesses.
  • edited 12:19AM
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  • edited 12:19AM
    Have you tried the council? I've found both Haringey and Islington pretty good at removing this sort of rubbish from streets quickly. Getting potholes repaired however is a whole other story... :-)
  • edited 12:19AM
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  • edited 12:19AM
    I thought from previous threads that most people just cycled through the main bit of the bus station. Has anyone ever been stopped/ challenged/ fined for doing that?
  • edited 12:19AM
    I cycle through it, and I ruddy well dare anyone to challenge me on why I do it. I read the consultation on how they're planning to improve the crossing of Seven Sisters, which will help - if you can wait that long - but the current layout is a complete joke and actually makes it more dangerous if you use the designated cycle lanes.
  • edited 12:19AM
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  • edited April 2011
    [Bring forth the Guillotine]()
  • AliAli
    edited 12:19AM
    I use the Green Lanes ones when with the kids
  • edited 12:19AM
    I got shouted at once when going through the bus station by someone official looking. I still do so, however.
  • edited 12:19AM
    I never use it now. There are always taxis parked on it and dick heads stood on it, leaning on the railings. I saw some chap use it the other day. He cycled up to a group of three men, so leaning, and they never budged an inch, they just glared at him. He had to get off his bike, walk round them an then get back on the green path. I was tempted to double back and shout at them.
  • edited 12:19AM
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  • edited 12:19AM
    Hello all. Tom here from The Silver Bullet. Apologies for the slow response.

    Even bigger apologies for the broken glass & idiot barman/men on the cycle path. This issue is something we're aware of and one we've tried to address several times - obviously without success.

    I'll make sure that all our staff are reminded of the importance of sweeping up any broken glass & other debris from outside the venue as soon as it appears. I'll also tell the guys not to stand in the cycle lane when taking cigarette breaks.

    As a cyclist myself I know how much of a pain in the @rse it is when cycle lanes are blocked by people/rubbish - in fact, we've been on at the council to remove a huge pile of black bin bags which have been blocking that cycle lane for what seems like quite a few weeks now. Hopefully that will happen soon.

    Anyway, a big sorry to those affected by the broken glass & people blocking the cycle lane. Hopefully you'll notice an improvement from now on. If you have any similar concerns, please feel free to drop me a line at I do check in here from time to time but I'll definitely pick up on things more quickly if you get in touch direct.

    @Ali @Misscara I'd like to offer you guys a drink or two by way of an apology, if you'd be willing to accept! If you can DM me (is it called 'whispering' here? forgive me if I've got this wrong!) your contact email, I'll drop you a line to arrange.

    All the best,
  • edited 12:19AM
    Anyone who speeds up with the intention of hitting people in cycle lanes is a complete idiot.
  • edited 12:19AM
    Anyone who isn't watching what they're doing and expects the world to revolve round them is a complete idiot.
  • edited 12:19AM
    I've witnessed loads of incidents in London involving pedestrians who have strayed into or crossed a cycle lane and cyclists who appear to intentionally charge them just to make a point. It's pathetic and gives competent cyclists a bad rep.
  • edited 12:19AM
    That doesn't make a great deal of sense. You're suggesting cyclists intentionally harm themselves to make a point? There are plenty of other ways fellow cyclists give the majority a bad name but I can't claim this is one I've witnessed. I wonder how enraged motorists would be if pedestrians routinely stood in the middle of the road.
  • edited 12:19AM
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  • edited 12:19AM
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  • edited 12:19AM
    Hi Misscara, no problem at all. It's good to get feedback so we're aware of what's happening and so we can make sure that everyone's happy! The guys have just told me that the bin bags were removed yesterday, so it looks like the council are on side.

    Good idea about having a notice up for customers - on Fri/Sat nights our door security staff are always on the case of anyone standing in the cycle lane, but on quieter nights when they're not around a sign will hopefully act as a friendly reminder. We'll get one up ASAP!
  • edited 12:19AM
    Door staff were ushering people out of the cycle lane last night. I think people only end up in there because the pavement is packed and there isn't anywhere else to stand.
  • edited May 2011
    The idea of putting a cycle lane there was not thought out properly. As I live at the top of SGR I tend to cycle via Tollington park/Horsney road or through the park to get to places. However, before I got to know those routes I used to use that cycle lane, but soon started cycling through the bus station instead. Before Silver Bullet was there, there was a an old man's pub called ' The Station' or the 'The Lantern' (?) and even during the middle of the day there were barflys standing in it or glass on the floor.

    Bascially, the cycle lane is a mistake and it should be ripped up and one put through the middle of the bus station, with proper traffic lights. Other countries in the EU plan and build lanes well, why can't we do it here in the capital of the UK?
  • edited 12:19AM
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  • edited 12:19AM
    @ Misscara. I've always been interested in issues on here rather than getting into personal battles. And I'm not trying to provoke.
  • edited 12:19AM
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  • edited 12:19AM
    I saw a sign up by the 19 bus stop in the bus station today, something about a proposed change to the cycle route round there so it won't follow the same one way system? I only skim read it cos I don't cycle so it might not be relevant. Anyway maybe that'll sort out the problem?
  • edited 12:19AM
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  • AliAli
    edited 12:19AM
    One of the options is for mixed use both ways on that bit of pavement and possibly accros the raod beside the betting shop in Rock Street
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