New Members (very exciting!)



  • edited 10:54AM
    Hello all.

    I think this is the link where I am supposed to introduce myself as a newcomer - my name's Alex, and I moved into Florence Road about three months ago. I own a dog (a black pug named Buddha), and am about to become a dad (in late March). My fiance and I have been reading this site since I moved in, and clandestinely taking away little nuggets of local wisdom ever since...

    Anyway - viva Stroud Green!
  • edited 10:54AM
    That is a brilliant dog breed/name combination.
  • edited 10:54AM
    Why are you in a ho?
  • edited 10:54AM
    @ADGS - thanks, it's because he's wrinkly and wise.

    @sincers - that is a very common reaction; it's the brazilian diminutive of Alex (little Alex - although people actually used to call me Alexao - big Alex, as I am 6'3'' tall). I'm not from that neck of the woods, but have spent quite a bit of time there and speak da lingo.
  • edited 10:54AM

    Just joined - actually should have joined much earlier - but today just had my first haircut in Vitor's brand new salon (next door to Tollington news agent and to the fish and chips) and he showed me some customer reviews on, so I thought it was time for joining and giving some support as well.
    My parner and I are in the area since 2004 and enjoy a lot - and we hope that our first child - expected for April will like living here, too.
    Our favourites are Old Dairy, Pappagone, Front Room and the Faltering Fullback.

  • edited 10:54AM
    Welcome Fernando, and good man for going to Vitor- you have both style and elan.

  • RoyRoy
    edited 10:54AM
    Hi all,

    Well, been an N4-curious lurker for a while, and posted to a couple of threads recently, but I've finally landed in N4, having just come from CB1.

    Last time I lived in London was in TW10, but as I was only 18 months old at the time I don't remember it too well :-)

    I look forward to investigating the quality of beer, curry and pizza in the area...

    I don't have a dog or a cat. Years ago I did have a kitten, but he was killed in a road traffic accident...

  • edited 10:54AM
    Aw, that's really sad.
  • RoyRoy
    edited 10:54AM
    Yeah. Sadly not at all uncommon though.
  • edited 10:54AM
    I know, something similar happened to an ex's cat and she only found out about it from the newsagent.
  • edited 10:54AM

    Im new as well, been in the area for a year now. I was just wondering is it common practice to get a welcome kiss when getting a take-away from Pappagone?
  • edited 10:54AM
    @Margolada: That's certainly why my girlfriend likes the place so much. Mixed feelings here!
  • edited 10:54AM
    @Arkady ha ha, im sure its about the food not the staff ;)
  • edited 10:54AM

    Have enjoyed viewing this site for about a year. Have learnt a few interesting facts along the way. Took the plunge and became a member over the weekend and hope to be adding my 2pence worth to the rich tapestry of comment.

    Raised and went to school in North London and have only ever lived in N5 or N4 as a grown-up. Absolutely love the area and cannot ever imagine living elsewhere even if I won the lottery. Currently back on Queens Drive after a tour of duty on Woodstock Rd + missing the local Turkish supermarket, Molens coffee and ease of access to the Fullback.

    Back in the day a good mate played as a ringer in the Little Italy league for a Clerkenwell football team and they were sponsored by La Porchetta. Once a month the team could have a massive feed up and booze all laid on. My mate always called me, glorious times!
    This got me into La Porchetta although now prefer Pappag's. Love pizza! Love Medi comments!

    Big thanks to Andy + Dave and everyone for running this site.
  • edited 10:54AM
    Hi all,

    Just bought a place on Woodstock Rd (completing in early May) so thought it high time to say hello to the SG community. It's lovely to know that I'm moving to a place with such a communal spirit!

    Born and raised in Sydney, studied in the Midlands, moved to Germany then back to Sydney. Arrived back in London last April and now have my first place. It's been a roller coaster few years.

    Anyway, looking forward to running into you all online or on the streets in a couple of short months.


  • edited 10:54AM
    Hi Drew, you're in good company, welcome. My missus is from Sydney, but we're planning to move back later this year. We just got back from a short trip over there last week. What suburb are you from?
  • edited 10:54AM
    Hi all,

    I am a newbie too. Weirdly (seeing above), I moved here from Sydney in September, although I'm from England originally - was just there working for 3ish years. Lived in various bits of London before but I'm loving Stroud Green so far. Not loving the job market though, at all. Boo to no jobs. Poss the worst time to relocate to UK I think!

    Thanks for all the great tips on here everyone, esp re restaurants, pubs etc - can't wait to try some out.
  • edited 10:54AM
    As a new member I thought it only right to recommend the Moules in the Noble, they have been consistently delicious.
  • edited 10:54AM
    the bar man isn't bad either
  • edited 10:54AM
  • edited 10:54AM
    HI all,

    Am another new member, and a new Stroudy - though I'm guessing there'll be another one or two on their way as the flat next to me is up for rent.

    Have spent the past 5 years living Near Heathrow, the last year and a half of which trying to find somewhere to live in Crouch End. Found somewhere, lasted a month, moved to Stroud Green a few weeks ago, very happy now. Well, a garden and more storage space would make me happier still... as would someone nice taking the flat next to me!

    I know pretty much nothing about the area - went to the Old Dairy, Faltering Fullback & Cats the day I moved in - I think everything I've learned about the area so far I've learned through this site!
  • edited 10:54AM
    Not strictly new as I have lived here since 07 but have relocated from Victoria Road to the SG end on Ferme Park Road. Still love SG. Miss Woody's sometimes, but the little (expensive) petrol station on Stapleton Hall Road sells emergency supplies 24h. I run the Parkland Walk when I'm feeling healthy. Such a great area with great pubs. Still haven't been to the Nicholas Nickleby pub, even though I live pretty much next door. SG fo' life yo.
  • edited May 2011
    Hello Dom, Are you the Nextmen nextmen? If you are, then you were responsible for a fair chunk of the soundtrack to my holiday. Thanks!
  • edited 10:54AM
    Greetigns Dom.

    Andy beat me to it...Mine too,as it happens. And my 8 year old's favourite music at the mo is your meditation podcast. (He's a boy with fine taste). Can we all club together/buy you drinks until you agree and get you to do a Stroud Green special at the Dairy or Stapleton one night? What about a cheeky benefit to pay for Andy's server costs...The Queens Head is just a bit too far ;)

    Seriously though - quality tunes. Loving yr Soundcloud mixes. And (at my age) would love a bit of late night local dancing. Go on - you know you want to...
  • edited 10:54AM

    What a great website! I'm not sure if I qualify as Stroud Green being on Wray Crescent. Still, very happy to sign up and catch-up with Stroud Green chit-chat. Just signed to petition against stopping Cricket at Wray Cres Park!

  • edited 10:54AM
    Hello I am Barnesbq (it's like a Barbecue, but it only has members of the Barnes family in attendance)

    I live on Stroud Green crossroads, by The Old Dairy and have done since 2008. I like it round here but I probably frequent Crouch End more than SGR for weekend shenanigans. I jog. I walk. I like pugs (I am keeping my eye out for this black one another member has!), I like coffee, I do not like drunks who crowd my doorway, I have become used to very loud traffic during the small hours whilst I sleep.

  • edited 10:54AM
    I probably should have done this when I first joined the forum...

    I live on Wray Crescent have done since 2007, i'm originally from Finchley.
    Love the road and the little park up the top, don't even mind the little hoodies who hang around sometimes riding their hairdryers. Too much dog poo tho...
    Hate the Plough pub but like The Landseer, Faultering Fullback, Noble and my current fav is the Stapleton Tavern.
    I like to cycle, I do Tai Chi in Crouch End, yoga in Finsbury park and I have a cat called Larry. I play disco and house music a bit too loud but that's the way I like it :)) (my username might have given something away)
    I support Arsenal and like to eat at Petek but I really should try that Korean place near the station.
    I miss Woody's too, hate the Sainsbury it's worse than tesco my preference is Morrison (cheap cheddar cheese).

    Love the area and this forum is great!
  • edited May 2011
    Hello @Andy & The Ginger Monkey

    A special at the Stapleton you say. Hmmm. This area does rather lack when it comes to music bars. I went to a few nights at that place (as the Larrik) a few years back and it was just a bit too big and echoey. Kinda similar as a pub to be honest. But I do like their food these days.

    Please do buy me drinks until I say yes to your request though.

    I'll have that nice cider that they have on tap.

  • edited 10:54AM
    Maybe the Silver Bullet instead?
  • edited 10:54AM
    I went to the Silver Bullet once to see a Swiss rock band. The lead singer said 'this one is for all the French girls out there - you're so beautiful' to a crowd of about three, with no French girls.

    I remember a strong smell of stale lager, a Finsbury Park nutter and some bad posters.

    I left.

    An impromptu gig in The Noble would be best maybe, seeing as it's more the right size...

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