Geek wanted - installing WordPress

edited May 2011 in General chat
Are there any well-disposed geeks on this board who can help me install WordPress? Their 'Famous Five Minute Install' is bullshit.....fallen at the first I'm angry, frustrated and stuck. I've been uploading websites for years but no, I don't have a clue how to "set up a database, edit a configuration file, etc etc etc...." and there's no way of finding out. You might as well ask me to sex a gerbil. Typical obscurantism of the professionals. I'll pay if it's not too expensive.


  • edited May 2011
    Are you doing it on your own server/pc, or on a hosted solution (does it have Fantastico?)?

    If it's not too much work and is remote (i.e. I could connect to the server remotely) I'm happy to have a look at it for you.
  • edited 12:24AM
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  • edited 12:24AM
    After discussions with geek-oriented friends from Seattle to Stroud Green......I've concluded the best move is probably to sign up with a specialist host company for $6 a month and let them do the 'free install'.....

    @graeme, I appreciate your v kind offer. Yes, it'll be hosted (never heard of Fantastico). Once I've found a Hosting Solution, maybe I could ask for the odd bit of help actually configuring the thing to look how I want.

    @Misscara. Sorry to give you bad dreams. They don't call me Krappyrubsnif for nothing.
  • edited 12:24AM
    No probs, email me if you need a hand with anything though I think you'll find Wordpress pretty easy to install on a hosted solution.

    Fantastico is just a suite of freebie tools that are common for many websites, it's often offered by host companies as part of the price. It honestly is a one-click install process for loads of handy stuff.

    Getting the look you want from a Wordpress site can often come down to finding a free theme that you like (thousands of them out there), and tweaking it/putting your own logo on it. Or if you want to spend weeks faffing around to learn PHP and all that stuff, that's great too...
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