Missing - Totem Poles

edited May 2011 in Local discussion
Or do my eyes deceive me? I'm sure they weren't there when I whizzed down Crouch Hill on the bus at the weekend.


  • edited May 2011
    No, they've gone.

    I noticed it too yesterday, so perhaps they've only just been taken down. If the builders still have them lying there, maybe we should organise to make a bid for them and have them re-erected somewhere?

    On the Stroud Green Road/UTP junction, perhaps?
  • edited 2:55PM
    Oh, they'd look splendid in the park wouldn't they? Or down on the Parkland Walk.
  • edited 2:55PM
    I notice last week that they had vanished when the Dixon site construction arrangements were being put in place. They were made by a German artists called Friedal. Shortly after making theses he was commissioned to create a garden space around a field maple which included sculptured animals and figures at St Aidan's Primary School on Stapleton Hall Road. (You can see the Little Palace garden from the road through the fence) Nice old man and a bit of a whiz with a chain saw!
  • edited 2:55PM
    Can anybody be arsed to find out how to contact the developers and find out what happened to them? A bit too big to put in a skip....
  • edited 2:55PM
    Nothing says "nick me" quite like an ornamental totem pole.
  • edited 2:55PM
    They were about 30 feet high weren't they? You'd need a crane!
  • edited 2:55PM
    I would tear them from the ground with my rippling biceps.
  • edited 2:55PM
    Im with Krappy on this, think if they have no plans to put them elsewhere in the area we have to try and liberate them.

    What is the worst we could get nicked for a bit of rescue and recycle guerilla gardening ?
  • edited 2:55PM
    <b>NOT IN MY BACK YARD</b>*

    *<small>I don't have one</small>
  • edited 2:55PM
    Missing - Dalek from BBC

    Did I spot it on the Hornsey Road ?
  • edited 2:55PM
    Maybe it has ran away to rescue the Totem poles.
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