We have at the bottom of Crouch Hill restricted parking between 10am - 2 pm on weekdays. The very day that it is really needed saturday when Arsenal play it doesn't happen I wonder why?


  • edited 9:16AM
    Perhaps because you are in Haringey and the Emirates Stadium is in Islington.
  • edited 9:16AM
    Haringey does have matchday controls but Crouch Hill seems a bit far from the ground to have them there. I think the controls go up as far as Tollington Park or maybe Stapleton.
  • edited 9:16AM
    We live in the second Harringay CPZ and they enforce the no parking on match days, there is changeable sign at the bottom of our street and they certainly come round to collect their ransom.
  • edited 9:16AM
    Julie, is that you?
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