Best local places to rent your property

edited June 2011 in Local discussion
Hi there,

Im looking to rent our my flat or a year or two and wanted to know which local agents are recommended. I had a nice chat with Castles, so I may use them but I'd like to meet a couple of others too.

Thanks for any recommendations and good or bad experiences shared.



  • edited June 2011
    Do not use Ludlow Thompson. The buffoons at the FP office rented my flat out for less than I instructed them to, forgot to carry out the check-in report but had the gall to bill me for it and inserted a break clause against my wishes which, of course, was to their advantage. They also completely fucked-up dealing with the tenants' deposit and I had to sort out the deposit protection myself.

    A bigger bunch of scheming, mendacious, incompetent fuckwits I have yet to meet.
  • edited 7:53AM
    I've let out a flat through Traynor's in Crouch End ( for years, and can't recommend them highly enough. They're a small, local business so know the area very well; friendly and helpful; and always bring us very good tenants. After a terrible experience with Black Katz, I switched to Traynor and never went back. I realise that reads like an inside job, but I promise it's bona fide - they've been terrific.
  • edited 7:53AM
    I have rented as a tenant with Traynor and they are fabulous. Have you thought about renting it privately?
  • edited 7:53AM

    We are looking to rent with Traynor and they seem really great so that is reassuring. Thanks.

    I did think about renting our place out with them but they are really Crouch End and Highgate I need someone around here and Im on Moray so more FP.

    I would love to rent it myself but dont have the time with a job and two small kids - I just have to get it done as quickly and smoothly as possible. Im thinking of Christopher Charles. I would go with Davies and Davies as I think they are great but I see them more as sales than rental. Great to hear you have had a good experience with Traynor.

  • edited 7:53AM
    I have had a few dealings as a tenant with D&D before and they were a bit slow. They never seem very interested in what you are asking e.g a property I saw was covered in scaffolding and he said he would find out when the council planned to remove it but he never did. I was interested in the property but he never called me back to chase up or offer any further information so I basically gave up on it.
    How many rooms is the property? I'm looking to move over the summer so if you can PM me any details then that would be great :)
  • edited 7:53AM
    I rented my place out via David Andrew who were good, although I manage it myself so don't have experience of them on that side of things. They were good at communicating, found me some (so far) trouble-free tenants, and sorted out the inventory very quickly and easily.
  • edited 7:53AM
    We rented our flat out through Gum Tree. It is free and really easy to do. You can be really specific on marketing the flat and the type of tenant you'd think it suits. You'll get loads of responses and tenants are really well organized with references etc. We could have let out flat out 3 times over in just 24hrs of having posted it. We had previously let it our with Hobarts and although I had no complaints, I was left wondering why I was paying them all this cash for basically doing nothing. When we tried them again this time, they were slow to get prospective tenants in, those that came weren't right for the flat and their letting valuation was low. Doing it privately, we saved time and money. We now have excellent tenants and are really happy.
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