Another mugging! Lennox Rd (outside the World's End pub) 07.06.11

edited June 2011 in Local discussion
Women with suitcases coming out of the station beware!!!

On Tuesday evening around 11:30pm my bf witnessed a woman being mugged on Lenox Rd. The woman was screaming and lying on the ground with blood around her mouth and this short, burly guy on top of her.

My bf was able to intervene along with another girl and pushed the assailant off her. Unfortunately, the police came too late and the guy got away.

It's a real shame that Stroud Green is now becoming a 'crime hotspot' as Drew (drewpasmith) commented on his last post.

I've only lived in the area for 6 months and love it here but it seems there's also a few scumbags that do to!



  • edited 11:33AM
    This was on the BBC yesterday <>; Lets hope we start to see a difference if they target FP.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:33AM
    FP is one of the crime hotspots. Strange crime goes up when you have a Tory government , it did the last time. I wonder why ?
  • edited 11:33AM
  • AliAli
    edited 11:33AM
    Well he did say last year that this kind of argument was ridiculous
  • edited 11:33AM
    Crime goes up and down irrespective of governments.
  • edited June 2011
    *shrug* I’m just interested in the statistics. I think that the ones mentioned in the BBC report are the first ones I’ve seen that actually confirm that it is rising of late. Within the general downward trend of recent decades there are always fluctuations of course. @Ali: What did I say was ridiculous, exactly? (In relation to crime, obviously I’ve accused many things of being ridiculous)
  • AliAli
    edited 11:33AM
    I think a link between ecomomic activity (lack of) and crime. I belive Labour calim a 43% reduction during their 13 years Is there any solid analysys on this as it all seems to down to perception?
  • edited 11:33AM
    @Ali The British Crime Survey started in 1982. Here's a description of how it works: Here's some recent controversy about it: And here's a link to the latest quarterly report: Last but most useful - here's the 'Measuring crime for 25 years' document with which the BCS people present how things changed up to 2007:
  • edited 11:33AM
    "Pay not to be beaten up. Choose to do it either face to face with your attacker or via your taxes so we can improve their job prospects" Doesn't sound like a great policy to me. I'm so tired of money being linked to someone being a scumbag. There are millions of poor people in this country, (and in every country) that choose not to resort to crime in order to have something they can't afford. If someone does it, its because they're a scumbag and weak. Give them a job and they'd still do it. Good parenting is the issue. I just think that people see it as too much hard work and not their problem. You can't pay parents to be better at bringing up their children, so how do you do it? I don't see a particularly bright future.
  • edited 11:33AM
    I've never dismissed such a link. I don't have an opinion either way, though I can see the logic in it. What I dismissed was the idea that we were morally obliged to buy-off people who think it's acceptable to steal. you're probably thinking of this enlightening thread: <>;
  • edited 11:33AM
    And many thanks to Mirandola - the BCS is precisely the survey I was banging on about a month or so ago. It's the best resource that we have.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:33AM
    That was quite an exciting thread! I still think as I predicted at the time the Tory blue would run true (even with a bit of yellow) and that is with the cuts only just beginning to hit. I wonder how long government ministers will get away with blaming GB a lot of what we are seeing now has comes from the LibCons.
  • edited 11:33AM
    The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Things are getting worse. Big society doesn't work. Areas like Finsbury Park that have always been on the edge will swing towards more crime (it only takes less than 50 people) if the heat is put on the 'small society'. The cushy middle class world of Stroud Green world will be upset. I don't say this with any glee as I can't afford to take mini cabs. I've been mugged (not here but in Hackney) and burgled when I lived on SHR and remember the Tory days here in the 90s when Finsbury was a place to slightly fear.

    It was still an interesting place back then but I don't want life to return to that slight fear.
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