Is there a community garden/allotments or anything of this nature around here?

edited July 2011 in Local discussion
Hello members,

Just wondering if anyone knew of any type of gardening project around here that residents can get involved in? Or other projects that need volunteers? Have a long summer (am a Teaching Asssistant) to fill with free (a very strapped-for-cash Teaching Assistant) activities...

Thank you!


  • edited 7:49PM
    I would also be interested in doing some Gardening as well. Let me know if you hear of anything in N4.

  • edited July 2011
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 7:49PM
    The people who do the garden of the lodge at the Manor House end of the park meet every month. Think it's first Saturday of the month. I've been before and it's really good to spend a few hours on a Saturday morning outside, but even though I meant to go back, I haven't yet (I have commitment issues).
  • edited 7:49PM
    I will look into these - cheers guys.
  • edited 7:49PM
    This isn't in N4 but Mind in Haringey next to the Triangle on Stapleton Hall road also has a garden that might need volunteers (I'm not sure but you can ask). Give Dave a call - I believe his number is in one of the threads with a post from Mindinharingey.

    Also not in N4 but Food from the Sky based on the roof of Budgens in Crouch End needs volunteers. Wednesday morning is the time to go apparently. You just go round the back of Budgens and up some metal steps. It's really cool up there, they grow all sorts.

    My last one now: this isn't gardening but Foodcycle who run the community cafe in the Mind building also always needs volunteers so if you're interested in either collecting, sorting and cooking food, or serving on a Friday let me know and I'll give you the details.

    Hope this helps!
  • edited 7:49PM
    Hello pie eater,

    Thanks for your comments. I am interested in getting involved in the foodcycle cafe - can I have more details please? Also, about piano lessons, I would love another pupil. Here is my email Please contact me on that and we'll arrange something!
  • edited 7:49PM
    Sorry to be a pedant, but Mind, next to the Triangle is N4 - you've just wiped out half the membership!
  • edited 7:49PM
    oops, geography was never my strong point....
  • edited 7:49PM
    Behind the swimmng pool and new hospital on Park Road there is a community garden. Also allotments on Quernmore Rd. and Mount Pleasant Villas - folks need a hand and there are sometime vacant plots, rent is about £25 a year.
  • edited 7:49PM
    @ Misscara, don't be too hasty about getting your garden shipshape.
    I know exactly how you feel as my garden is in desperate need of sorting, however, how do I explain to the nesting wrens that neatness comes before nurturing? My hedge needs one hell of a good trim too, but the collared doves, the wood pigeons, the dunnocks, and a pair of robins, have set up their nurseries in it. As for the weeds, the definition of a weed is any plant that grows where it is not wanted, and there are some beautiful weeds around that attract butterflies and bees. Yes it frustrates me to think that my garden is not as it was, but the tidying can wait until the Autumn. Till then, I shall enjoy seeing the wildlife. Oh yes, one last thing, hedgehogs. Had babies last year and they are gorgeous. Think little nail-brushes, and you will not be far wrong. Don't despair!
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