Quiet on here...

edited July 2007 in General chat
Is everybody on holiday?


  • edited 5:14AM
    Not me. It is quiet, isn't it?
  • edited 5:14AM
    I'm not either. Just scared of talking to myself.
  • edited 5:14AM
    Ssshhh! We're hibernating until summer comes along.
  • edited 5:14AM
    I've been away. Anyone got any news?
  • edited 5:14AM
    I was coming out of FP tube on saturday afternoon, about 3pm, walking up the tunnel towards the Wells Terrace exit, and suddenly about 20-30 police in high-visibility vests and with dogs came bombing down the tunnel the other way at top speed, shouting at everyone to get out of the way. They seemed to heading for the seven sisters road exit. Anyone else see this? I assume it was something to do with the football that was on, but it seems very odd, it was just a friendly tournament and there is hardly ever trouble even for big proper games.
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:14AM
    Seems unlikely to be footy related, as you say. Odd. There has been loads of high vis stuff going on recently though - I was walking past the church on the corner of Evershot Road and Tollington Park the other weekend and there were police everywhere, plus big gangs of offended looking church goers all filming the police on their mobile phone cameras as they talked to some 'yoof'.
  • edited 5:14AM
    I too had noticed how quiet it's been on here recently. I thought everyone had defected to Facebook. I notice the Stroud Green group on there has got quite busy.
  • edited 5:14AM
    It's not that busy. They'll find their way to us eventually.
  • edited 5:14AM
    Read somewhere that two thirds of companies in the City have barred access to Facebook - I doubt they've barred access to SG.org...
  • edited 5:14AM
    Nope. And mine bars access to the most innocuous of websites.
  • edited 5:14AM
    Neither's mine and, like poxy, they bar anything. It used to pop them into little categories like 'sex and dating' which would flash up on your screen. Interestingly though many 'gay' sites are not barred where the 'straight' equivalent ones are, for fear of a discrimination case I assume.
  • LizLiz
    edited 5:14AM
    Banning Facebook, eh? Now there's an issue I'm quite torn about. As someone who manages a team at work, I could see the benefits (see <http://www.stroudgreen.org/comments.php?DiscussionID=602&page=1#Item_9>; for previous discussion on this issue) but then, if people are going to slack off, surely they'll just do something else instead? Tosscat and Poxy, what's your experience? Has lack of Facebook access made you more productive? At all?
  • edited 5:14AM
    No, I spend far more time fiddling about with facebook mobile.
  • edited 5:14AM
    I dunno. I prefer to trust people. Most of us at work aren't pushing widgets out of a factory - we're doing work that vaguely engages our brain, so short distractions aren't going to be the end of the world. In fact, a change of gear might be useful. My best work comes after I've taken a walk in the park to get all my thoughts in order. Some people might call that slacking off, but unfortunately there aren't any grim victorian workhouses for them to work in, so they get their kicks by banning facebook.
  • edited 5:14AM
    I've just been busy and/or away. Now, I'm back.
  • edited 5:14AM
    have just been to the New Old Dairy, first time since it re-opened (yeah I do need to get out more) but they have stopped the music quiz which i loved being crap at, any other pub quizzes in SG?
  • edited 5:14AM
    We go to Mondays at The Swimmer (near Odeon Holloway, see Directory) when we can
  • edited November 2007
    I think there's also one at the faltering fallback on a monday - I was meant to go yesterday??

    edit: sorry misread - didn't spot "music" in your post. Ignore me!
  • edited 5:14AM
    Dosent have to be music, whats the one at the fullback like?
  • edited 5:14AM
    Have to admit I've never been - but my friend's have been hassling me to go for a while. I will ask...
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