I want to be a SG oldie hipster



  • edited 11:10AM
    I wanna watch Love Connection. I love Love Connection.
  • edited 11:10AM
    Stroud Green psycho?

    That's a very fine chardonnay you're drinking. I want you to clean your vagina.

    Listen, you'll have to excuse me. I have a lunch meeting with Cliff Huxtable at the Four Seasons in 20 minutes.
  • edited 11:10AM
    I want to be a debaser.
  • edited 11:10AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 11:10AM
    'Four wHeel drives'I think you mean. They are ok, but not weels
  • edited 11:10AM
    What Misscara says...

    and as a wise person once said,

    "Think before you drink, before you post"
  • edited 11:10AM
    Hipster not hispter. Tho I know some good hispters since I moved to this street. Any girls going to moon/sun tomo for breakfast ? C
  • edited 11:10AM
    You're all right, drunken rant. However, I think there is a smug group on here who think they're at the top and like to control things. Go on about their charity work etc. I guess it's a bit like politics and the world in general. I don't think I'm wrong to think that.

    Down with elites of all kinds!
  • edited 11:10AM
    And what? Why anything in their lives should affect your mood and your life? That's ridiculous, you have gazillion million people in London around you, and you can not find those ones which would respect and appreciate you? Don't tell rubbish, it's my story, not yours!
  • edited 11:10AM
    @ Misscara. I'm not festering. Love living on SGR. I just wanted a bar (SL) to show respect to their neighbours which they didn't do last summer. They've improved and I haven't posted anything about them since early summer. This is a forum and SL is a business that needs to respect its neighbours (which it it is generally doing now). I accept the positive and negative aspects of living on SGR but naturally if things get out of hand I will complain. You and others on here complained about helicopter noise, holes on the road upper Tollington rd etc.

    I know I went on about SL a lot but they weren't being very considerate. They have improved a lot.See any connections.

    I love the life of SG, it's amazing, that's why I live here but I also have a voice and I don't like the smug Tristans who sometimes hang out here as they seem to have easy money when most of us (including you Miskara) have to work hard for. Maybe you don't but I do, but I like my job. Surely being annoyed about not earning enough in a job that is worthwhile is not a bad thing. So many people sit at computers all day and get 30k, but I guess they pay for your catering company to put on functions.

    What's wrong with feeling angry that people get overpaid for doing nothing, while others who have passion and care for people get less. What's wrong with the world? Everyone has gone conservative!
  • edited August 2011
    Originally posted a big rant about this. On hols for 2 weeks now so can't be arsed. Crux was..............boring, boring, boring boring. Bye.
  • edited 11:10AM
    "overpaid for doing nothing" - go on, what exactly do you do?
  • edited 11:10AM
    can i haz hpsiter?
  • edited 11:10AM
    Why 'down with elites' ? They are a good thing. Think of Beckham, Tim Daley, Thatcher, DSK, Alexander Flemming. They were all top of their game and made a big impact on society or culture. As a result many ppl benefit. I guess I am in an elite working in animal welfare. I trained hard to be good and didn't spend my student days running round with no knickers having fun. In a way it was dull but now I get rewards and I now get a good salary. So can hang out with the bootylucious types in SL and afford to take them to season not nando so the nicer birds come my way. My daughters will thus look nicer and have a better chance of employment and love. It's a positive circle. In return my 'elite' skills help ppl with sick pets. I either help cure them or if not poss put them to sleeP and give client a cup if tea and some dignity . The non elite way would be to use a brick on them. Result unhappiness and no chill out fun for me. Simples.
  • edited 11:10AM
    I think I'm going to like you Chang.
  • edited 11:10AM
    if i go back to 1970s feminist classic 'the tyranny of structurelessness', i find: *Elites are not conspiracies. Very seldom does a small group of people get together and deliberately try to take over a larger group for its own ends. Elites are nothing more, and nothing less, than groups of friends who also happen to participate in the same political activities* <http://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm>;
  • edited 11:10AM
    I'm liking the inclusion of Thatcher in that list. A subtle way of lighting the touchpaper.
  • edited 11:10AM
    i like kreuzkav's assumption that to "sit at computers all day" is equivalent to doing nothing or easy money.
  • edited 11:10AM
    That list is less a portfolio of the global power elite, and more a list of people who have their picture in the Metro today.
  • edited 11:10AM
    Is there a correlation between attractiveness and how much love you get? I've not noticed it.
  • edited 11:10AM
    @crispy - yes me too. I'm rather hoping he does some sort of social work, in which case I can make the leap that he drinks coffee all day while gossiping and listening to people moan
  • edited 11:10AM
    Are you being elitist by not liking elites?
  • edited 11:10AM
    May I be elitist by disapproving of 'simples'? Brrr.
  • edited 11:10AM
    @dorothy - as the beatles said, 'And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make'.
  • edited 11:10AM
    Sorry to be a SG.org geek here, but Chang is the brother-in-law vet of the much-missed (by me alone) Tollington Tom isn't he? Or is he one of his made-up characters? I don't mind either way, particularly. He has intriguing ideas about love, happiness and animal euthanasia. I am also entertained by people who correct other people's spelling, while making lots of misstaykes themselfs, so welcome Chang. I'm not sure it's true to say Tom Daley (if that is who Chang means) has made a big impact on society or culture until I see more men in Speedos. And I'm not sure that could be considered a progress of civilisation anyway.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:10AM
    Her Majesty is a pretty nice girl !
  • edited 11:10AM
    As someone who drives a 4x4, wears a shirt under a jumper and has 'dining at Seasons' on his to-do list I don't think you and I will get on Kreuzkav.

    Oh well.

    '£30k for sitting in front of a computer?' - Can people really live on that?
  • edited 11:10AM
    @Ali, but she changes from day to day.
  • edited 11:10AM
    Who are these thing-controllers, what do they sit on top of and how can I join? It sounds like an N4-based Bilderberg group.
  • edited 11:10AM
    @Ali/Mirandola - a travesty. Abbey Road should have ended with the End.
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