Vets' Bills can often be avoided



  • When we go away we leave him at the greyhound rehoming kennels in Waltham Cross who have separate spaces for 'holiday boarders'. They are very good and have several volunteers who walk and feed all the greyhounds every day. Greyhounds are a short haired breed so do not shed much and you don't get any doggy smell either. Ours tends to moult a bit twice a year when the seasons change and it coincides with the central heating being switched on/off. They have very little body fat so wear a coat in the winter when out and about. If it is very cold he also wears a fleecy coat indoors. We enjoy the Parkland Walk too. Until you are very comfortable with the dog and he is trained to come back to you on command you would not have him loose though for a run. We are still working on it 18 mths on and only let him loose in enclosed areas or places where we know he cannot run into a nearby road. Alas greyhounds have no road sense what so ever.
  • edited 11:59PM
    Yea I'd heard that about greyhounds, that they can be a bit difficult off leash. They like to chase small furry things too, no? I do need a jogging companion, wd have to focus on recall to make that work I guess!
  • They are built for speed and trained to chase when they are young so yes small furries are very tempting for them :) There are greyhounds that have a low chase instinct though and happily co-exist with cats.
  • edited 11:59PM
    A quick one on the 'bladder issues in cats' - Elvis did have some crystals forming, mainly as he will only drink from a dripping or running tap - a new kitchen had meant the tap no longer dripped.

    However, the vet did tell me that Felix cat food contains an ingredient known to help, so you don't always need the expensive vet food, if your cats are prone to trouble with their bladders, try Felix.
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  • edited 11:59PM
    @ Misscara, tried the fountain, did my cats take to it, did they heck as like! Not cheap either. Still, you try anything don't you to give your cats the best don't you. Hope that you find a dog soon to make your life complete.Please Don't give up! you say that you have a small house, but there is a dog out there desperately needing a home, however small. Okay Misscara, Look at it this way. An unwanted Dog is spending it's day in a pen, much smaller than your house. Despite the best intentions of the wonderful carers, that Dog does not have the kind of love that only an owner can give it, and they need that to thrive. You can give it! So my advice is to go for it . Make yourself happy, but just as importantly, make a dog happy. Hope that this did not come across too strong, but I see a person with a lot of love to give to a dog. Good Luck Misscara .
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