Book Club: Sunday 9th October 2011 at 7pm @ The Old Dairy. Discussing 'Solar' by Ian McEwan.

edited August 2011 in Local discussion
Everyone is welcome to the next bookclub on Sunday 9th October 2011 @ 7pm at the Old Dairy. We normally meet behind the curtain at the back of the pub by the eating area.

We will be discussing Solar by Ian McEwan.

This is my choice so I hope you will come along and join in the discussion about a book which is one of McEwan's best!!

See you there!! Please confirm your attendance on here so we know who is coming. Thanks.


  • edited 11:06AM
    Can we have a report back on last month's (Howard Jacobson) session?
  • edited 11:06AM
    Very very sorry I didn't make it. I completely forgot it was on Sunday... possibly because I only got 10% through the book and was feeling guilty... (I'm not being precise here, it's the darn Kindle again not giving page numbers.) Anyway definitely up for the next one. Thanks Donna
  • edited 11:06AM
    I think we were all pretty disappointed with the book! Although it does make some interesting points about issues surrounding Jewishness, we felt these were spread rather thinly and repetitively over an uninvolving story which we all felt was way too long. We generally found most of the characters very hard to care about and that it was an unsatisfying read which did not live up to the critical acclaim!
  • edited 11:06AM
    My mum's a big fan of his, but thought this one a terrible dud, and a classic case of someone getting the Booker because it was overdue, and because the book was Serious, rather than because it was actually any cop.
  • edited 11:06AM
    Is this open to everyone? I read the book last week and would love to come along.
  • edited 11:06AM
    Yes, everyone is welcome!
  • edited September 2011
    i won't be able to come i'm afraid as i'll be on holiday, but that serves me right for missing the last one. my mum did solar for her book group and they all agreed it was his best book... hope you're enjoying it!
  • edited 11:06AM
    I'm not going to be able to make tomorrow now unfortunately. I'm living in west London temporarily and won't be able to get back tomorrow but really hope to make the next one. I would be interested to hear what everyone makes of the book so will be sorry to miss the discussion - I've nearly finished it but haven't really been enjoying it!
  • edited 11:06AM
    Hi charlo! I've just finished it and haven't enjoyed it much either. Anyone else going?
  • edited September 2011
    Solar = Marmite. Discuss.
  • edited 11:06AM
    I can't make tonight as won't get back in time. I'm really sorry. I really loved the book. Sorry you didn't feel the same.
  • edited 11:06AM
    Hi Angela, I did find bits of it funny, and it was very interesting, but I found myself skipping quite a lot of the academic bits about the environment and so on, they seemed to go on a bit too long. I liked the frozen penis bit though! haha. Doesn't look like anyone is coming tonight... maybe we could weave a discussion about Solar into the next meeting instead? Or is anyone up for going? trying to avoid going and then sitting in the pub by myself!
  • edited 11:06AM
    And I didn't find anyone at the Dairy, so I've gone across to the Stapleton.
  • edited 11:06AM
    And I didn't find anyone at the Dairy, so I've gone across to the Stapleton.
  • edited 11:06AM
    Did anyone go last night?
  • edited 11:06AM
    Since I'd actually bothered to read the book, it was a bit annoying to go up to the Dairy and find no-one there. Nothing had been booked and the bar staff weren't aware of anything happening. I looked everywhere.

    If it's not actually a real book club with real meetings, then I suggest it's un-stickied and we can go to the book events at Hornsey Library instead. If on the other hand it's a case of The Mystery of the Missing Book Club, can we have an Agatha Christie next time?
  • edited 11:06AM
    I am still reading it !

    We are always happy to host the book club.

    With some notice
  • edited 11:06AM
    Normally at least four of us make it each time unfortunately this time the regular people couldn't make which includes myself. We did state that some of us weren't going and Donna did ask if anyone was going so that she wouldn't be on her own. It's a shame that you turned up but no one about. That's been the first and hopefully the last time. We don't normally book an area as Sunday is dead quiet. I think we have just got use to confirming our attendance on here first or not as the case maybe. We could all meet again when everyone interested are available.
  • edited 11:06AM
    I so happen to be reading it, and might well come if you reschedule.
  • edited 11:06AM
    Yes, reschedule, why not
  • edited 11:06AM
    I can do Sunday the 9th October. Sorry Krappyrubsnif, if I'd known you were going I would definitely have shown up.
  • edited 11:06AM
    I can make 9th October too.
  • edited 11:06AM
    9th October is good. Can we make it 7.00 rather than 8.00?
  • edited 11:06AM
    sure 7pm is fine with me. Angelab can you update the title so it appears with the right date? See you on the 9th!
  • edited 11:06AM
    I will be finished by then too, where will you all be meeting ?
  • edited 11:06AM
    I will skip along to the Old Dairy clutching my Solar, at 7pm on Oct 9th. But how will I know my fellow Solaristas? Can we all wear orange baseball caps or carry a copy of the Times or something?
  • edited 11:06AM
    I hope to be there krappy, so you can find me and we can be lost together.
  • edited 11:06AM
    Theolddairy, would it be ok if we meet in the curtained off restaurant area where we usually go?
  • edited 11:06AM
    I will do my best for the curtained off part, but it depends on how busy the restaurant gets.

    Mon-Thur are always the best night really to use the side restaurant as its always empty then

    Ps have finished the book

    Cheers Adam
  • edited 11:06AM
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