Helicopter's out there again

edited October 2011 in Local discussion
Over Tollington Park I think. Any news?


  • edited 1:05AM
    I think it's lost.
  • edited 1:05AM
    Think it's just gone. Looked like it was over Crouch End earlier. What are they doing though?
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  • edited 1:05AM
    Probably doing a doughnut run I bet for the other lads.
  • edited 1:05AM
    A Gregg's jaffa cake doughnut?
  • edited 1:05AM
    It was silly last night, went on for over an hour. They were looking for me, because of that chili I stole from outside the SG Convenience Shop last week :(
  • edited 1:05AM
    Haha! It was really annoying last night... what are they actually doing up there?!
  • edited 1:05AM
    Looked like mucking about to me, though utter ignorance about helicopters and near-complete ignorance about policing renders me an unhelpful contributor. Never stopped me in the past...

    They went round in circles and turned their big headlight thing on a couple of times (looked like Cornwall/Lancaster to me) and slowly went NE towards Harringay station.

    It takes a long time to find people in a state of undress with their curtains open to perv on. But enough about me. :-)
  • edited 1:05AM
    @ RedStugeon

    Certain scenes from the 80s classic 'Blue Thunder' spring to mind.
  • edited 1:05AM
    It kept me awake last night. I got myself back to sleep by counting the pounds it was costing them to keep them flying over the house. My transport geek other half reckoned it was about £2k.
  • edited 1:05AM
    @Ed B

    Thankyou! I couldn't for the life of me remember which film that scene was from (and I suspect I only ever saw sanitised-for-TV edits) but it certainly opened at least this then-pre-pubescent boy's eyes...
  • edited 1:05AM
    i seem to remember Blue Thunder had a helpful "whisper mode" for this sort of thing.

    given the noise, I assume our cops have Airwolf instead :(
  • edited 1:05AM
    I hope you're right. My fear is that they have both Blue Thunder *and* whisper mode *and* really big loudspeakers blaring out the noise of a helicopter. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching you...
  • edited 1:05AM
    Airwolf was better. Characters don't have names like Stringfellow Hawke any more.

    <object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
  • Police were called to a Burglary in a nearby street. The suspect ran from police over railings and onto the side of the train tracks. The Police helicopter was called and spotted the suspect at the side of the tracks. Unfortunately the helicopter was low on fuel and had to leave for a short time to re-fuel. By the time it got back however, the suspect had gone.

    It is hoped however that he has left some forensics behind and if so it will only be a matter of time until we catch up with him.

    PC Paul Kane 263YR
    Stroud Green SNT
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