Fridge needed asap

edited October 2011 in Classifieds
Our Fridge is almost dead, it was a good fridge but gone to join the white goods in the sky. So if anyone has a fridge they don't need, don't want or if you are going ram-raiding in the near future please let us ether myself or Miss Annie know. It needs to fit in a gap 22" wide and about 3' tall. Thanks


  • edited 9:23AM
    Do you still need a fridge? I should be getting a new one by the end of the week so you're welcome to my old one. It's silver (coloured plastic rather than steel), pretty scruffy, with three legs, and the light has never worked but it works perfectly well and will fit your space. I bought it second hand three years ago from the genius-named Sell Fridges in Stoke Newington for £50. I realise I haven't really sold it with that description, but it's yours if you want it.
  • edited 9:23AM
    I should clarify (from above description) that I have no intention of "selling" it - it's yours for free, and I'll deliver!
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  • edited 9:23AM
    Oh thank you so much.
  • edited 9:23AM
    @Misscara, the name always makes me feel happy whenever I go past. Detritus, I'll text you now.
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