The Ewok village beer garden

edited July 2007 in Local discussion
Please tell me you've all been into the Fullback and seen the crazy garden - why has no-one commented?


  • edited 6:14PM
    David was telling me about it. I haven't seen it. Can someone post some photos?
  • edited 6:14PM
    I've seen it - it's brilliant! I love the fact they had a 5foot wide trinaglier yard and they have transformed it into a tree house with space for about 50 tables. I'd like to congratulate them on the forward thinking before the smoking ban! If it wasn't the best pub around before it certainly is now!
  • edited 6:14PM
    Yes, photos please!
  • edited 6:14PM
    What's going on? Was the planning application approved? Is the Ewok village still there?
  • edited December 2007
    There were discussions about the tardis transformation of the Fullback garden back in June or July but I dont' remember which thread it was in. Obviously the neighbours had no objection to having everyone drinking on their roof?..

    What does the new feature 'whispering' our comments do incidentally?
  • edited 6:14PM
    Whereas, everyone can see this!
  • edited 6:14PM
    whispering is private messaging, of a flavour
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